
Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Flooding and Zombie

It has been an exhausting night for us. Our area has had thunderstorms all night and flooding. First, we got a call from our oldest son around 11pm last night that our youngest wanted to come home after changing his mind about spending the night with big brother. It was storming and Dakota did not want Dallas driving home in it by himself so he told Dallas to follow him. He said one minute he saw him in the rearview mirror and the next he didn't.  He called to check on him and Dallas said he don't know what happened but he just couldn't see the road and he hit a ditch and mailbox.  The road was already covered in water and it was raining so hard both boys said they were having trouble seeing in front of them. They were only going around 30mph. Dakota said Dallas' airbags deployed and Dallas must have hit his airbag and the seatbelt took some hide off of his neck and jaw. Dakota was so worried over his brother. He has always been so protective and a second dad when I need him. When he got Dallas to his house, he carried him in over his shoulder and put him on the couch and told Jossie to check him. They were both so scared and worried.  Bless them. Dad got up and threw on some clothes and went to pick up Dallas. They went back to Dallas truck and had to call a cop to come out so we could file a report for insurance. Thank goodness for full coverage insurance because it is going to cover the peoples mailbox damage. The front wheels on his truck are underneath the front of his truck and came up through the floorboard on the passenger's side. They finally got home around 2am.
Dad made Dallas stay awake for a few hours and make sure there was no concussion and to monitor him. They finally went to bed around 4am. I finally got in bed but it thundered and lightened all night and was so bad at times it shook the ground. Needless to say we didn't get much sleep.
However, after dad picked up Dallas from Dakotas, Dakota got called into work for power outages. Dakota was out in the storms all night with over 300 strikes of lightning in several hours. He was soaking wet and exhausted. He never got to go home last night.
We woke up this morning to flooding and washed out roads and flooded bridges. Our local mayor has declared our city a state of emergency. Businesses and vehicles are still underwater as of 6pm this evening. And it is thunderstorming again and pouring down rain. I had to get up this morning and take my MIL to the eye dr. I had to have some strong coffee since I only had about 3 hrs sleep. We made it though. I got home and had to lie down because I just could not function anymore. Only slept an hr. 😡
Oh well, I will sleep good tonight.
 Dear hubby has been on the phone with insurance company most of the day. Looks like we will be truck shopping again.
This morning when I did get up, I needed to check on things outside like the garden. All I could do was pray and hold my breath. To my relief only a few stalks of corn got blowed down. Everything looks good. I did capture this though:

Look carefully in front of the corn stalks. She's mad cause she can't get into the garden.  😄😄 so she's just gonna plop down right there.

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