
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Learning Alot

When your son passes on life lessons to his daughters, it is a blessing. Daddy told them if they worked hard today, they would get paid. Well, when they got here, Atleigh jumps out of the truck and says, "I want to work hard wiff you Gmaw!" And Caroline said, "Work hard!" 
They were so excited. We had two very tired little girls. Jossie wants to learn, so today's college and preschool homeschool class was Agricultural Science. Yes, they got paid when daddy got home Don't tell me you can't teach little ones anything.

When they want to put on their new pajamas in the middle of the day and wash let them.  

Dallas is doing good getting all of his assignments turned in to end the school year with. The school directors will be coming up with a time they will let students come pick up personal items from the school.  Our state is going to slowly start opening back up after May 1st. They will do it in phases. I will still choose to take precautions however. 

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