
Thursday, April 23, 2020

Earth Day

Well, yesterday was Earth Day and this is what mine looked like.

I had 25 pepper plants to get in the ground. 

I used a nifty little contraption my dear hubby got me last year. It is a drill auger. You put it on the end of a drill and drill away. It is so fast and convenient.  I used a homemade fertilizer to put in the holes when I planted. It is used coffee grounds, epsom salt and baking soda.

I got them all covered and mulched because it is still getting a little chilly at night here, and we are trying a hay method this year to cut down on hoeing and tilling.

Then I tilled a border around the square so Dallas will know not to weed eat those areas. I like my garden crisp, clean and weed free.  

Then I tilled a space to plant 2 rows of corn first. We plant two at a time to stagger our planting so everything is not coming in all at one time and I am overwhelmed and can not keep up. I fertilized and covered those as well. 

And of course I had to take time out to play with the kitty. She loves being with me when I'm outside.

I think it is all coming around just fine. 
The rest of the parts for my electric fence should be in today and my dear sons are going to finish it for me. 

I came in, and it smelled so good in the house. Dallas had cooked us some lunch. I ate and then took a much needed shower and just crawled in bed and passed out. I was already so sore I couldn't hardly move. I think I slept 2 1/2 hrs. Needless to say, I didn't do anything last night but sit and watch tv. Then went to bed and passed out again. 

It did however rain all evening and then into the night, so I hope my peppers are not water logged. I guess we will see. But at least everything is fertilized and covered. 

If you are considering putting in a garden, check out our Gardening Page by clicking on the subtitle in the header.

Today I got to spend time with my buddies again.  Jossie had some assignments to get done to turn in and a quiz to take. 

We have a little princess who has a hurt arm. She was playing in their trampoline and she hurt it. She kept crying and would scream when they touched it and they knew something was wrong. They took her to have some xrays and she has a little fracture. As young as she is and the little bone thatit's on, it is going to grow back just fine. We just have to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't do anything strenuous or rough housing.  She is being a trooper. 

We had a good day today. 

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