
Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Year New Goals

Well, a new year is now upon us. We have been blessed and sometimes we are so undeserving. I don’t make new years resolutions, I just try to do better than the year before. Learn from mistakes made and make new goals. Last year I spent alot of time not feeling well and having so many tests run to try to get to the root of the problem that it kept me from enjoying life. This year I have new goals and I’m feeling somewhat better. I needed refreshing. I spent alot of time doing research on alot of issues my family was facing in their own lives that it took me away from blogging. I apologize. Some times you just have to prioritize. My families concerns came first (see previous post).
Our hunting season started back in the fall. Everyone was getting their bows ready and sighting in. We leased a property this year to open up our options. It turned out to be good because dear hubby brought home two deer in one morning this week.
aug thru december 2019 1505
We are avid hunters and we love to cook with venison. Dear hubby is going to get into processing our own deer this year. Well, he’s going to give it a try that’s for sure. We have all the equipment we need for him to try this new adventure. We only have a few more days to hunt as our season is coming to an end. Our oldest joined in this year and has done more hunting this year. He was the first of the season to bring one home to his family.
I figured this year I would leave the hunting up to them, one, because I have alot of projects on a to do list that I really am checking off. It feels good to do that. Second, when it starts getting colder it hurts my RA. They are in tree stands and  I can’t climb them.
I spent alot of time getting hooked on some ladies on YouTube too. They have alot of organizing and clean with me inspiring videos. Trust me, they inspired me to get some things done in my own home and off my list. I love  Jordan Page Jamerrill Stewart Beauty and the Beastons   
I love all these ladies and they have given me alot of great ideas and inspiration.
I want to share a post today to help someone who might need a little organization in their lives if that is a goal you have this year.  I wanted to get my truck interior organized not just cleaned out. With the help of alot of videos on YouTube, I got it done. It is a life changer and if you are a busy mom who spends alot of time in their vehicle, you will thank me. I started with a clean vehicle back in the summer. I vacuumed and Armor Alled the interior first of all.  Then I found this nifty idea and had to give it a try. I made my own car fresher. I took a  clothes pen and hot glued a piece of felt to it (you can use other things as well, this is just what I had on hand at the time) and I spread drops of essential oil onto the felt and clipped it to my vent. This way, when the air or heat is on, it will blow throughout the truck. It smells amazing. You can use any scent you like. PhotoGrid_1578156474322
Next, our state has become hands free for cell phones. However, I have always has this phone mount way before they passed that law. I put my phone in it and I have my phone synced to Blue Tooth with my truck so I can talk hands free. It is also there for emergencies. In the next photo is inside my console lid. I wrote down emergency numbers and medical info on a piece of paper and put in a see through bag and velcroed it to the lid. This is for emergencies for someone to find and call realtives in the event of an accident. Some people have a screen lock on their phones and if you are in an accident, they may not be able to get into your phone to find emergency contacts. The third pic in this collage is what the inside of my console contains. I have a little trash can, some little cups for pens, pencils, sauces, batteries, etc., a notebook for writing notes, phone numbers, etc., napkins, aux cord, phone charging cord and adapter, extra glasses case, a few small micro fiber cloths for wiping the dash down and such, and my bottle of essential oil for my freshener.  The last pic in the collage is little bags inside my console to have items on hand. The floral bag contains things like, a container of pain relievers like Tylenol, Ibuprophen, Asprin, motion sickness pills. Anything someone might need for an ailment. Then I have a little chapstick, mini manicure set, breath mints, gum etc. The other bag holds things like tire pressure gage, Battery connector cleaner, a little metric gage, mini flashlight, etc.

In this collage is the front driver door pocket, passenger door pocket and glove compartment. My side (driver side) has umbrella, swiffer duster, ice scraper, hand sanitizer, and wet wipes. The passenger door has a little case that contains hand sanitizer, wet ones, a ziploc bag of extra napkins, and a few extra walmart sacks for big garbage. In the blue bag is my glove box. It contains my owners manual of my truck, insurance info, vehicle information. The back of my truck has a little compartment that I put trailer straps and this little broom and dust pan set. Over my head on my passenger side visor( missed getting a pic) is a dvd case for the kids dvds for them to watch.

In the back of my truck is a cloth cube that I keep an extra blanket or two for emergencies, a jug of water (this is for cleaning out traveling training toilet for toddlers not drinking), a first aid kit, set of jumping cables, and a feminine emergency kit for me in case Mother Nature makes a surprise visit and I am caught off guard or have an accident. The last two pics in the collage is a little tool kit. I have all kinds of things in there for truck maintenance or emergencies. Screw driver, wrench, bungee cords, metal clips, etc. Alot of these items I bought at Dollar Tree and saved so much money. I got my DIL on board and helped her fix up her truck too. I even picked up some of the exact same things for Dallas truck. Dear Hubby was not really on board because he says if he needs something he will just stop and buy it. Oh well. This is not near all I have in my truck. I have a whole lot of things in the back of my truck for the grandbabies. I will create a post just  for us Grandmas. It will be called Gmaw Hacks. Dear hubby says I need a diesel to haul all my stuff and people. Well, lets go looking at some. lol


I hope some of these ideas will help someone. I know it has me and I am a stickler for keeping my truck clean and organized.

Guys have gone hunting today and I’m just king of relaxing, well, being lazy is more like it today. It is a Saturday and Christmas break is over Monday so it will be back to the drawing board of an alarm. Yuck!

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