
Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gmaw Hacks For Us Grandmas

 I shared all these on Facebook  with alot of my friends who are grandmas and have their grandchildren alot with them. They loved them. It has even helped Jossie with the girls in her vehicle.
The first is:
Gmaw Hack:
Never, ever, ever, under any circumstances leave your house without a diaper bag. I don't care if you’re just going down the road. In case you forget, have a spare diaper bag with just the essentials. You never know when you will have car trouble or something or one has an exploding diaper. Just saying. 🤦‍♀️😬😷🥺
Gmaw Hack:
Portable folding 5 point harness high chair. I had to do alot of research on this one to find the one I wanted.
When we have family cookouts, it is hard for the girls to sit in a big ole chair that does not fit them. We stack pillows or a blanket just for them to sit on but they wind up slipping out. Atleigh tries to sit on her knees but it starts to get uncomfortable after a bit.
These work great in restaurants. They clip onto the backs and bottoms of the chairs. This saves from having to get a high chair and take up floor space around the table. Caroline has got to where she will not stay in a high chair at a restaurant and climbs out. So…..that’s where the 5 point harness comes in. Keep that little booger in. 😂😂😂😂 Some high chairs at restaurants are so low they cant reach the table.
It folds up for easy storage in the trunk and has a strap and handles for carrying.
Gmaw Hack:
Of course, an outing would not be complete without my Gmaw Mobile. Yes, it’s big, but there is no way I’m gonna try to hold or chase two babies. Especially in crowded areas. I do not have all the pieces on it. I just took it out of the back because I was cleaning and organizing my truck. I will do a whole tutorial on stroller hacks to create extra room. 😁
This is Atleighs carseat.
There is a reason for the puppy pads. Potty training.
I use one to cover the carseat in case of an accident. It has a plastic liner so the wetness want get to the carseat cushion. Those things are boogers to take out and wash.
I also have an extra set of clothes in spare diaper bag in the truck.
This is Carolines  car seat. When she starts potty training,  I will use the puppy pads too on hers.
Gmaw Hack:
I would like to go on record as saying I am a genius. I don't care what anyone says.
Caroline is still rear facing and cant watch movies in the truck sooo…
I took her back seat mirror and a command hook and stuck it on my light fixture in the very back. It is facing toward her and it reflects the DVD monitor.
Gmaw Hack:
DVD organizer for movies
Gmaw Hack:
Snack caddies for day trips.
Gmaw Hack:
Back seat hanging organizer. I have little prepackaged nonperishable snacks, wipes, puppy pads, packets of water flavoring for grab and go, sunblock, and some extra batteries for fans.
Gmaw Hack:
For stroller on hot days for outings. Mini battery operated fans for stroller. I use a binder clip and clip it onto the canopy.
Gmaw Hack:
Lap activity/food tray, and neck pillow. Gotta get one more of each for Caroline. Her seat is still kind of reclining so her head doesn't go forward as much when she sleeps. She can't draw or anything at this moment either.
Gmaw Hack:
Atleigh and Carolines backseat hanging organizer.
Toys, sunshades, hat, extra emergency cup, coloring book, coloring pencils and crayons. Carolines  has almost the same except for the coloring book and pencils. She is younger.
I hope y’all enjoyed my Gmaw Hacks for the day. The only time I’m helpless is if we are in Poppies truck. There is no way he can fit all that stuff in his and his attitude is:
“If we’re out with the girls and they need something, I’ll just stop and buy it.” 🤦‍♀️
David has always made fun of me me for having so much in my truck. My motto is:
“I’d rather have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!!!” Cause that’s how I roll baby. 😁😁😁

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