
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Using Natures Pharmacy/Learning About Essential Oils


Welcome Friend to today's post. 

Do you remember a few posts back where we talked about natural remedies for some ailments and sicknesses? I also told you that eating healthy and exercising was essential too. Here are a few more examples of the power of Nature's Pharmacy. 

I know all these plants are good for us, but have you ever thought about the oils of some of them? They are called Essential Oils and can be used in Aromatherapy. You can also use them topically and only a few are ingestible. The New Testament and Old Testament mention them also. Frankincense is one. It was so good that it was one of the gifts the Wise Men brought as a gift to Jesus. 

I have been using essential oils for years and really love them. It took me time to research a lot of them and what they are used for. I share some of these in a video that I made and you can watch it here Benefits of Essential Oils 

I use essential oils for a lot of different things. I diffuse some in a diffuser, and I make some of my homemade cleaners, sanitizers, disinfectants, and bug spray with them. Some can even be used very gently on babies and children. They are not just for smelling up your home. I even use a blend of some oils with a carrier oil in a roller bottle for pain. I carry the roller bottle in my purse. As soon as you learn what they are used for, you can start making your own just like I do. I have books and essentials in our Amazon Store. The books will be on my Books and DVD's list and the diffusers and some essential oil kits that I use are on my Health and Wellness list. Be sure to check them out. I will have my store link down below. 

Studies have shown that candles can have toxic chemicals in them. When you are breathing these into your lungs, they are not good for you. This is one reason why I switched to essential oils. I started noticing that candles were giving me headaches all the time. Now I can combine my own favorite scents and have a non-toxic environment.
 I love to diffuse eucalyptus and peppermint oil when we are feeling like congestion or stuffy noses coming on. They really open you up and you can breathe better. These are just some examples of how I use essential oils. 
Please feel free to research more and learn just how much better they are for you. 

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Have a Blessed Day
Keeper of the Home 

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