
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Those Brautiful Summer Colors

 We are beginning to gather a few things from the garden. It is a little later this year coming in due to later in the year freezes and frosts. Last year I was canning and Preserving in June. 

We will get there though. How is your gardens doing? We got very much needed rain last night thanks to Hurrican Beryle. 

All the beautiful colors of Summer. There is nothing like seeing green tomatoes turn red and buds turn into vegetables. 

#preserving #grocery #homesteading #prepping #gardening #garden #vegetables

We are in the hottest parts of the summer. Please practice safety and stay cool. Stay hydrated.  Work early in the mornings or late in the evenings when the sun is not as strong. Know your limits. Take frequent breaks and sit under the shade. If you are starting to feel dizzy, light headed or nauseous,  you have gone past your limit and gotten too hot. Please be careful out there. 
Happy Gardening 

Keeper of the Home

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