
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Rewarding Hard Work

 It's important to teach kids responsibility.  I also think it is encouraging when you reward. What? Don't you get a paycheck for hard work that you do? 

I had a reward system for our boys growing up. They had chores they did. We rewarded hard work. This created work ethics. 

Things are no different with the girls. I teach them the same thing. 

They help with cows, garden, mowing, cleaning or anything we are doing. They are not afraid of hard work. 

I remember taking the boys to spend their chore money when they were younger. Walking down every isle, looking at EVERY SINGLE toy, helping them make economical decisions, telling them if they had enough money or not. 

I took the girls out today to spend their money. We made it a girls day out. I had to do the same thing with them too. 

Atleigh said this was the hardest decision of her life. I believe it. Do you see how long that isle is? I needed a lawn chair or something.  We finally narrowed it down. They were so proud of their decisions. 

On another note, it's pure luck that outfits fit that you sew when they are not around you to try them on. Phew!!!!!!

It's ok to teach responsibility at young ages. There are age appropriate chores that can be taught. 

It is easy to create chore charts and have a reward system. This teaches hard work ethics which will follow them throughout their adult life. You can't follow them out into the real world and do things for them. They will grow up and move out someday and they need to know how to do basic life skills and make good decisions.  

As a parent and grandparent it is our responsibility to teach the younger generations. This is plainly stated in the Bible. 

May we all do our best to carry out our special calling. 


Keeper of the Home 


  1. Reward systems are such a great idea! My mum had pocket money for me when I was little, like a certain chore was worth X amount and I could tick them off on a little whiteboard. But now as an adult, nothing happens when I do my chores haha. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

    Ash - ( :)
