
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Busy Day on the Farm

 All before 8am. We made homemade biscuits, sausage and sheet pan eggs. All was baked at the same time in the oven.  While they were baking we made use of our time and whistled while we worked just like Snow White. We swept, mopped, washed dishes,  wiped down countertops and refrigerator.  Now we head to the garden and check for tomatoes, okra, peppers and zucchini.  🍅🫑🥒

I've always taught our boys and now teaching our grandchildren that work comes first and then play. So play it was 

We have always taught our boys work before play. Well, after work this morning we got to play. Swimming, roasting smores on our little table top fire pit. Then one of those long, summer, lazy, after swim naps that sends you to LaLa land and you wake up wondering what day it is. Atleigh made up a new word. SMORERIFFIC!!!!!!! I agree. Caroline enjoyed just doing her cannonballs.

Teachers, today and Tomorrow is Amazon Prime Days be sure to get all your Back To School Supplies and help a girl out 
You can find all your needs through our Amazon Store

This post contains affiliate links to which our farm earns a small commission. Thank you for your support. 


Keeper of the Home

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