
Friday, March 8, 2024

I Highly Recommend This Book

 I highly recommend this book. I would like to encourage every wife or soon to be wife to read this. This book will take you through every aspect of what your husband's needs are and how to pray specifically for him.

This is one of the very first books I ever read after David and I got married. Ladies, we think we struggle with the things in our lives and minds. What about our husbands? Men do not talk much, they hold it in. They don't come to you and just act like you're a therapist and tell you how they are feeling or do a brain dump on you. Men's brains are created differently. They struggle with the powers that be of their minds just like we do.
I can not tell you how much this book opened my eyes to areas that plague a man and his mind. Yes, it's been years since I've read it. When I read it then, it served my purpose for that season. Now I wan to read it again for this season in our lives. We grow older. Our lives and circumstances change over time. Our needs change. Things still need to be prayed for and over. I saw with my own eyes what this book did for us years ago when I prayed over my husband. Now I wan to do it again. Not only did it help him grow to becoming the man he is today, it pointed out things in me I needed to change as well. It's time for me to read it again.

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