
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Gardening Tips and Tricks


Well,  hopefully we can shed our coats, hats and gloves for the year. I am so ready to get my hands in the dirt and bring new life to this season. I just want to take the time to give you a few tips to get you started for the season. 

Before I start planting anything, I will first take an inventory of what is in my pantry and freezer. If I see I have enough of something to last for another season, I will skip a summer. Then I can use that space in the garden to plant something else that I may want to try, or grow what I'm out of or need to restock. By doing this, you don't overplant something that you don't have room for, or get overwhelmed by an abundance of several things coming in all at one time. This helps us year after year. We had such a blessed season last year that this year all we have to concentrate on is tomatoes, peppers, a few plants of zucchinni so I can process some more pickles, because those are about gone. My grandkids have just about eaten all of them, and maybe a few more stalks of okra. They have just about eaten all of my pickled okra too. 

This year will be more relaxed for us because with growing minimal items this year, we can focus on our flower beds around our home and other areas. Last year we were so busy harvesting a big garden that they were all neglected. We never got around to them. So the visual around our home was not as pleasant as we wanted. 

Gardening tip number two:  if you are just now wanting to get into planting your own food,  I would love to suggest planting these 6 Garden Staples to get you started. Green Beans, Corn, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Squash and Zucchini. There are so many things you can do with just these 6 veggies. They are so easy to plant, grow, maintain, harvest and process. Not to mention, some fine eating. 

Normally people start seeds indoors in January and February, depending on your zone, or as late as March and April. If this suits your fancy, check into seed starting indoors. If you would rather wait until all danger of frosts are gone and would rather purchase the plants, feel free to do that. 

These are just a few quick ideas to  get you started,  but if you would like to have a full detail tutorial of how to grow a garden, you can check out my Gardening Page here and I will walk you through planning, planting, growing, maintaining and harvesting our garden and the things we grow in ours. 

If you are a visual learner and enjoy watching videos, you can check out our Gardening Playlist here on our YouTube Channel. 

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