
Monday, February 26, 2024

Enjoying The Temperature

 There is nothing like getting kids outside and teaching them about nature, deer poop, digging for worms and pruning bushes and trees. 

There is also nothing like coming in and having a tea party with them because you can. 

\And a little board game fun. 

Not to mention teaching them responsibility and rewarding their accomplishments. 

Children come into our world and complete it, not to be drug around in our world just for the ride. When children come along, your priorities change. Well, they should anyway. The Bible says, Train up a child in the way they should go and they will not depart from it. This was not a suggestion. It was a commandment in the OT and God even goes into detail of how to do this exactly. 

I love it when they go shopping in our pantry and get what they like 

They love to help with our herbs too. I have been dehydrating some and I let them crush them and fill the matching bottles. They are learning to recognize the herbs too.

We love sleep overs and forts too. 

It is time to get their measurements again because they have grown so much and I am ready to make them some new outfits. This always helps for when they are not here to see if something fits or not. I draw them off onto a big piece of paper and take all their measurements. This is the neatest trick I have used so far. 

Any time they get lonely and they are not with us, we love to video call. Even if I get the stinky eye or if they just want me to watch them color something. 

This was mine and dear hubby's view one night for supper. 

I hope everyone is making it and hanging in there. Spring is on its way and weather will be looking up. Be sure to get those early spring seeds started indoors so they will be able to be transplanted to the outdoors soon when the weather breaks. Take care of yourselves and have a blessed day. 

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