
Monday, December 18, 2023

Christmas Break has Begun

 We got to have Christmas lunch one day with our girl in school one day. 

The next day little sissy got to come stay and I gave her a little suprise that I got both girls. 

When the oldest got home from school, I gave hers to her. They are loving it. 

A few days later was our oldest ones school Christmas program and class party. We got to watch her perform and later she gave her teachers their gifts she made and her class mates their goodie bags. 

She sang her little heart out. While she was having her school party that afternoon, I took the youngest to her daycare that she goes to when we are not here and she got to play Santa Claus and give out her gifts she made for them and her goodie bags. 

All Christmas parties were over and Christmas break had begun. Whoooop Hoooo!!!!!!

They got to spend a night with us and we got our baking on. Every year they help me make goodie bags for other grandchildren and great grandchildren.  

We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows again in the fireplace. We built forts and watched Christmas movies and ate popcorn 🍿 

The next morning we got up and went to church then it was time to take them to Daddys. Man, when they leave, our house is too quiet. 

We will see them again in a few days and get to share Christmas with them. 

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