
Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Beyond Busy But Creating Memories

 Since we have been home from our work trip, we have enjoyed so much family time. Believe it or not, we missed the busyness. We were bored and missed our family. We called and they called and I had to settle melt downs and crying because they missed us. But now, we are  having the time of our lives. 

After Thanksgiving was over it was out turn with the girls.  Let me explain. Their mom and dad rotate weeks. My son fought for his rights as their dad and he said there was no way he would ever be a weekend dad. They have shared custody because we fought for it. They have equal responsibilities and share support. Not all fathers are dead beat dads and they need more lawyers who will help them fight. I'm even here for the mom on her weeks when they need me. We have been there since day one and we will continue to be.  Boy, sorry, that was just pinned up emotions. Let's get on with this post. 

Our son brings them to us in the mornings and drops them off because he and his wife have to be at work or on their way to work 45 minutes away before the school even opens. So, I finish getting the oldest one ready for school and feed her breakfast to start her off to a good day. We take her to school and drop her off. Me and  little sissy, who did not make it in this year to Kindergarten because of this stupid (oooppppps did I say that?) birthday rule, come back home and do school. That's ok. That gives me one more year with her to get her ready for Kindergarten this next school year. And trust me, she will be ready.  We find things to do and I have plenty of homeschool resources in my stash. Well, about every  nook and cranny in my house. I love this Leapfrog Leapstart pad. I had one for our boys, and for the life of me don't know what I did with that thing. So, I got one for our girls. I will link it below. It is in our Amazon store under Homeschool List. I bought some new books to go with it and she is loving them. These go from Toddler all the way up to 2nd grade or maybe 3rd grade if you'd like. But I promise, they will not get tired of using it. 

Sometimes I use manipulatives to make up games for us like this pop it and big dice. I just make up  a math game off the top of my head. Then I have educational electronics that helps. We practice our writing and letters on all kinds of different manipulatives. 

Oh and will you look at this. We found something to do with her hands. Bless her heart, she gets her figgiting from me. Maybe I didn't spell that correctly. Sometimes being figgity gets mistaken for ADD. Nope, just has pinned up energy and pinned up creativity and we channel that and use it to our advantage and do something she enjoys and that is being creative. I have saved so much of her artwork. But this day I decided it was time to teach how to use a needle and thread. We started out big with a big needle, thick thread and felt. Worked like a charm. She sat for an hour working on stitching baby blankets for her babies. 

Then guess what? We graduated to sewing on buttons. Smaller needles, thinner thread. She did awesome. Most grownups don't know how to do this. 

Oh and look a here. She wanted on my machine. So, here we go. I worked the pressure foot, not ready for that yet. lol I showed her how to lift the presser foot, place her fabric, guide the fabric, and sew a stitch all the way down. Then to lift the needle, cut the thread, and lift the presser foot. She has sewed lines down two big pieces of material already. Not bad for a 5 yr old. You can teach kids anything if you take the time. 

Well, I guess this is my circus and this is my monkeys because we are teaching a Lemur to sew on a button  now. LOL

This particular week, Atleigh wanted Poppie to take her to school and pick her up everyday. I feel betrayed. LOL. One day when she got home, it was time to fire up my AeroGardens again and we got 12 different things planted. They inspect it everyday and are very excited to see those things start sprouting. I have videos on how we use our Aerogardens, what they are and what they do. I will link them below. We also have my Aero Garden in my Amazon store under Garden List. 

Then it was her turn to learn. Whatever GMaw is doing and sissy has learned, she wants to too. They are so proud of themselves and I am too. They are working on some Christmas gifts now for teachers. 

This weekend was an all girls weekend. No boys allowed because Poppie and Daddy went on a duck hunting trip to Oklahoma for our sons birthday. It has always been a father son tradition, but the past few years either on of them or both of them could not go due to work. I will show them later. But first, us girls. That Friday night, we went to town and I bought them a little goody and picked up things to make goody bags for school and day care Christmas parties for their classmates. It was cold and wet outside so we brought our hot dog and marshmallow roast inside in the fireplace. 

After we ate, we warmed up some hot chocolate in their goody mugs and started Christmas decorating. We danced, sang, sipped hot chocolate etc. I have a small Christmas village that I always let our boys decorate growing up, but since they are grown and gone, I have let the girls take over it. They did it all by themselves. Yes, my OCD was kicking in and wanted to organize it, but I refrained because they were so proud and no way was I gonna spoil that. I will deal with it. They have their two little Christmas trees to themselves also. Again, not gonna touch it. Before we knew it, it was bath time and get ready for bedtime. We settled in and they wanted to watch Christmas movie and eat popcorn. ALWAYS. No problem. 

The next day, I declared a pj and craft day. But first, I taught them how to make their own breakfast. Scrambles eggs and sausage. Just look at that face. 

We got busy with the crafts and big sissy wanted to know how to sew a button too and work my sewing machine. She did so good and she was very proud of her accomplishments as well. 

That evening we got ready and I had a surprise for them. I took them to see the new Trolls movie and eat. 

The next morning we got up and ready to go to church. We came home, ate lunch, took naps and got up and ready to go. I had two more surprises for them. I took them to eat and then to our local home town Christmas parade. They enjoyed getting so much candy. Just to see the looks of excitement, giggles, laughter and sparkle in their eyes was enough. Then sadly it was time to take them to mommy's house for her week. Needless to say that didn't go too well. Because they never want to leave GMaw. lol But with much comfort, hugs and kisses and promises of seeing them the following week, all was well. 

This was our guys on their trip. They racked and stacked em'!!!!!!! They had so  much fun with friends also. The girls told their daddy to bring some ducks home because they wanted some duck jerky. LOL

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Here are the links to my videos of our AeroGardens:

Hope you enjoy. This week is all about cleaning and finish decorating for Christmas. C'ya in the next post. 

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