
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Only A Few Days Left Until Thanksgiving

 Well, it's going down. You get home from a work trip in time for the holidays.  Your first week you have to spend with those grand babies cause they were having a melt down and just needed you and were clingy. Then it's crunch time.  Seasoningns are being slung around, butter is flying, milk is being poured here and there. Stove, oven, mixer and dish washer are getting a work out but it will all be worth it.

I'm down for the count but now it's dear hubby's turn to get the meat prepared. Turkey and ham

I only have a few more dishes to make, a few pies and homemade rolls. We will hit it again early in the morning then zip through speed cleaning the house. Phew! It's a good thing I have help because I could never do this by myself. 

Hope everyone enjoys their holiday. Happy Thanksgiving 😊 

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