
Thursday, October 26, 2023

I Have Not Fell Off the Face of the Earth I Promise

 Hey y'all. I promise I have not fell off the face of the earth. We have been extremely busy. Our granddaughters were in a pageant and they both did really great. First pageant for our youngest. They both did awesome. 

I got to go on a work trip with dear hubby. I am getting to  see a few sights. We have been  in 3 different places in Illinois. He has to cover 3 different plants. 

During this time, our oldest son married his sweetheart. They both dreamed of getting married in Montana and that is exactly what they did. It was just them and we were ok with it. Not everyone wants big weddings with lots of people. Everyone is different. This is what they wanted and it was their dream. No way were we taking that away from them. But believe me, they were blowing up our phones with pics and videos of the area and their adventure. Our son got to go to a well known ranch and have a guided tour and spent time with the owners and gained alot of knowledge. He was so excited. 

I had to go  home for a week because I had a dr appt that I could not miss or I would have to wait a whole year for a next opening. So I toughed it out and made it. The girls were with Dad and bonus mom this week so we "shared " the girls. They let them stay with me half the week and then I had to go back to dear hubby. I had girls crying and wanting me and a dear hubby crying and wanting me. It's so nice to be loved. lol Of course no visit at Poppie and Gmaws house is complete with out popcorn, movies, playing and baking something. 

I got back to dear hubby  and have diligently been working on a few things that I have been praying about for some time now. I don't want to say what just in case the Lord never lets it come about. But when it does, you will know trust me. 

We have just a few days left and we will be heading home and we can't wait. 

Our son and all his girls have been at our house because they are renovating the bathroom and living room in his house. It was time and timing was just right for this. Our granddaughters have felt right at home and comfortable and surrounded by all their things through this renovation by staying at our house. They are finishing up and like I said, timing was perfect. 

I will still be working on some things. It's been good to have this time to do this because trust me when I say, when I'm home, I literally have my granddaughters glued to my hip. If I get up to just go  potty, that one is right behind me. She will not let me out of her sight. If I run into her when I turn around, she will say, "You should have known I was right here!" She cracks me up. 

I hope every one has a blessed day and we will chat again soon. 

Be sure to catch my latest videos 

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