
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

New Series of Videos Coming

 About 2 years ago,  my dear hubby saw a little hack on Pinterest that he liked and asked me if I would try it for him. You see, he loves Pillsbury Flaky Layer Biscuits. The little hack was someone had made cinnamon rolls with them. So, as the good wife I am....😇I was  happy to learn how to do it. After I figured out how to do it, went and bought all the stuff I needed, and got ready to make them, I had a bright idea of making a video of it. So, I took a chance of uploading the video to our channel. Why Not? OH MY GOSH!!!!!! What happened next blew my mind. People blew my channel up with that one video. Now, a year or so later, I was thinking, why not do more videos and just make a series. So I Did. 

I have a whole series of videos coming of All The Things You Can Do With Canned Biscuits. The first video is up and running. If you are curious about the first video, you can watch it here:

The new video is up and you can see it here:

If you would like to be a part of this series, head over to our channel and Subscribe and turn your notifications bell on so you will know when they are uploaded. 

I'm gonna do one better than that. In the middle of this series, I have another one at the same time. It is called, "Hey G-Maw, What's For Supper".  Both will be going at the same time. 

I hope you enjoy them. 

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