
Friday, September 1, 2023

It Has Been A Good Summer

 Well, August has left us and now the BER months start. 

We have had a very good summer. We have celebrated birthdays, the birthday of our country and Independence, planting, growing, harvesting and preserving season, time with loved ones, and many projects that were on our to do list we finally got to do. 

Now we start planning on fall and winter projects on the farm. Seems like it never ends, but I look at it this way, You spend 75% of your hard earned money to have nice things like homes, vehicles, etc., you should take really good care of them so they will last a long time and you are not throwing money down the drain. You work too hard for it. 

Pregnant cows are doing fine and momma cow and baby are doing great. The calf is growing like a week and looks so strong and healthy. 

This fall, I'm going to work on just flower beds around here. So much pruning needs to be done. I think the last frost or freeze we had in the early spring stunted alot of our rose bushes and such. Then I want to freshen flower beds and plant some bulbs. There are two flower beds that are claimed by dear hubby and some of the things he had planted in it died from the last freeze. So I asked him if I could plant something for him. I want to plant Iris', Lilly's and Buttercups for him. Those were his mothers favorite flowers. I think they will look nice. 

Well, it is time to go feed the cows and close down the kitchen for the night. Hope every one has a blessed night. 

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