
Monday, September 11, 2023

Another Favorite Way To Preserve Tomatoes

 Another favorite way we love to preserve tomatoes is to roast them, and I tell you this is a game changer. The flavor is phenominal. 

Start with fresh washed tomatoes, cut the core out and any spots or blemishes, cut into halves or quarters, lay on baking pan, drizzle with olive oil. Now, at this point, if you want to add extra flavor, you can cut up onions and add garlic cloves to roast right along with your tomatoes. I choose not to because we do not know what all we will use our tomatoes for in different recipes, so I left them out.  Roast in the oven at 375 or 400 degrees until the skins are wrinkled, or if your are like us, until you get some blackened skins on them. Take them out and let them cool off. 

While they are cooling, prepare jars and either use a little lemon juice or salt for your preservative or citric acid. I chose salt as my preservative. Ladle tomatoes into jars and make sure to press down to remove any air space and fill jars until one inch headspace. Wipe rim of jars off to clear any juices or oils that might have spilled, because this will cause your lids not to seal properly. Apply lids finger tip tight. Place in water bath canner making sure water covers jars completely. Bring water to a rolling boil, then start timing and process for 40 minutes. After processing time has finished, remove from canner to cool and you should start hearing all those wonderful pops.
Here is the video version:

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