
Saturday, July 15, 2023

We're In The Corn

 The past few days we have been in the corn. 

Just a couple of farm girls shucking corn with Poppie. Atleigh said that was her favorite part. 😍  Atleigh said she asked God to help her not be scared of the bees that were flying around (pollinating). Then I had the best helpers washing and silking. We worked quick together. Now that the work is all done, we get to play the rest of the day. So, painting rocks again it is.

Lunch time:

Lunches of champions. Everything from the lettuce from the Aerogarden. The rest came from our outdoor garden. Except the chicken nuggets.Hey, pick your battles with kids.

After nap time it was cloudy so we didn't get to swim again but we still had smores. 

I absolutely love our table top fire pit. 

The guys tried to draw blood from the cows to test for pregnancy but to no avail. So got scheduled for someone to come help draw it. 

The next day we had corn to do again. 

Another productive day. Ag and Poppie picked and shucked corn again, me and Caroline cut zucchini and bagged some and Pickling the rest. Then we washed and bagged the corn cleaned up and mopped the floor all before 9:30 am. Things go faster on Team Dixon.

They played while I finished water bathing the jars of Zucchini pickles. 

Then it was much needed nap. 

After nap we had a little car wash and let them wash their power wheels and then a dip in the pool. 

The next day was a break from the garden,  we needed a fun day. We grabbed our granny on the way and took the girls to town to spend their chore money. Then we took them to Chuck E Cheese. 

Today is a relaxing day for me and dear hubby and we are going to enjoy it. This ole gal needs a nap. 

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