
Sunday, July 9, 2023

My Husband Made His Debut

 I would like for y'all to know, that my dear hubby stepped way out of his comfort zone to do this video. If you know him, you know he's always, "Get that camera out of my face!" "Don't get me in the pic!" "I'm never doing that!" Well, guess what. He did and today he is making his debut. 

In this video, he will demonstrate how to save trimmings of fat and pair it with a choice cut of meat that is on sale and grind them all together to make ground beef. We have sometimes found brisket or ground chuck on sale and bring it home and process it this way and by the time we are finished and do a price break down per lb., it turns out cheaper that 1 lb of already store bought packaged ground beef. WOW!!!!!!!!

You can get your fat from things like ribeye steaks, chuck roasts, and briskets. 

After he gets all this ground up, we chill it for a few hours, package it into 1lb portions, put in vacuum seal bags and vacuum seal. We then flatten out the packages so they will lay flatter in your freezer and create more space and stay organized. 

He takes care of all the meat that comes into our home. From researching, buying, hunting, harvesting, processing all the way to the plate to eat. He searches for those deals at the grocery stores so we can shop the sales, buy in bulk, bring it home, repackage it into meal portions and vacuum seal it to stock our pantry. Then there are times we will search for a farmer raising something we might want to purchase and have butchered and processed for us. Then he does the cooking. Now we are raising our own beef. There are things we don't raise like chickens. That's what grocery store sales are for. He does the grilling, smoking, frying, sous vide, etc. 

I hope all you guys find this video helpful and can help you stretch your dollars on the grocery bill for your family. 

Check out his video below. Click on the link below:

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