
Tuesday, June 6, 2023

The Month of May Was Busy

 Oh my Gosh, where did the month of May go? It flew right by me and I could barely keep up.

I got to finally come home from work trip with David to get to our Granddaughters Kindergarten graduation. He only had a few days left of work so he told me to just stay home and he would be right behind me, but don't miss that babies graduation. Her whole village was there including two crazy ole grandma's. lol As soon as she spotted all of us the hand waving and blowing kisses started. The close up shots are courtesy of her other grandma who is a photographer. Her class did so good and put on a little program for us so we could see what all they learned this year. 

Then of course you know who they wanted to come home with after it was over. So we had a sleep over and of course at popcorn in the Princess bed and watch movies. 

The next day, Momma and Daddy came to visit with us for Mother's Day. 

I was so pleased to have a tea party with my momma and daddy. You see, the handkerchiefs we used were from special people in our lives. One being my mommas momma, my grandmother, and their great great grandmother. Then some were from my late mother in law who we affectionately called Nanny. This is a real china tea set too that I bought at an antique store. I have taught my granddaughters to be very gentle everytime we have a tea party. It takes a real special man to sit and have a tea party with you. We gave him a manly cup. They will never know how much this tea party meant to me. 

The next day was Mother's Day and I just felt the need to go visit my mother in laws, sister in law and brother in laws gravesites. Something was drawing me there. I miss them dearly and David (dear hubby) still has a hard time some days. He misses his momma something awful. 

The next week I got to spend the days with. Summer break is here so let the fun begin. But sometimes we have to get a little work done too. They don't mind.  We are going to implement our lock box reward system again this summer. They love it. They help me with any chores and they get rewarded. If you want to know more about this system, check out our Homemaking Page in the titles of the sub header. I explain it all there. These girls know how to clean better than some grown ups I know. Then we had play times too. Sometimes I have to get some computer work done and I fixed them up real good. They grabbed all their things and brought them to the table and played secretary. I am in the process of trying to find a couple of old office phones at a thrift store somewhere. 

Then I was invited to go on a day trip with my daughter in law, future daughter in law and her mother to pick out a wedding dress. Yes, she found the dress. We went to Nashville. We ate a late lunch early supper there because we were all starving after we were done. I laughed so hard when someone other than me said, "I have to pee!!!!!" because I was not the first to break. lol 

That next week, I planned a day trip with our girls and momma. You see, May has been emotional for me this year for some reason. On this day, I was drawn back to my roots and needed some Alabama therapy. We headed that way and I wanted to show my granddaughters where their great great grandparents were buried at. They still are trying to figure out this dying thing and I am trying to help. We packed a picnic lunch and headed out and picked up momma on the way. We use our busy binders and back packs to make the road trip more pleasant for kids. I have a video on our YouTube channel on what I do when we travel with kids. You can catch it here:

Traveling With Kids

They have all kinds of things to play with and keep them busy in their back packs. They have trays I bought them so they can play with play doh, color and draw and etc. I even made the back packs from Pioneer Woman placemats.

This picture here crushed and broke me. This child has never met her great great grandparents but she has an unexplainable bond with them. I have a pic of them on my dresser and she grabs it all the time and hugs and kisses it and starts to cry. I can't explain this but its amazing. She just kept going back to put flowers on their grave. 

We did clean up work and freshened up things. It was time to. They helped so much. 

4 Generations here:

Normally when we go, my sisters meet us there and we have a picnic lunch with our grandparents right under a tree. But one sister had to work and the other was not feeling well. These girls were so hot and tired that we took our lunch to the local park in the hometown I spent alot of my childhood  in. 

As soon as we got back home, they spotted their Poppie on the tractor and ditched me. 

Our garden is coming along fine. Everyone is helping. The girls are so excited about their hard labor on their green beans. I love teaching them these things that my grandparents taught me. This is what a difference 2 weeks can make. We are already seeing squash and zucchini and we actually picked our first little squash today. It want be much longer. We are trying to get caught up on so many projects around here before the real heat comes. 

If it is not too late in your zone to put in a garden and you are not sure how, I have a whole playlist on our channel for Gardening you can catch it here:
Gardening Playlist

I hope this post finds everyone safe, healthy and blessed. 

I will be starting to share many many things on my blog from now on so don't thing I have lost my mind or anything. I just want to get the most out of my blog I can in hopes something might help someone. 

Until the next time. 

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