
Saturday, June 24, 2023

My Makeup and Hair Routine

 This was probably one of the most uncomfortable videos I have ever made. However, I had so many women my age reach out to me and wanted to know my makeup routine. I am an 80's teenager where we were into bold color eye shadows, Business in the front, party in the back....MULLETS, Aqua Net hairstyles where the wind didn't have nothing on us, florescent geometrical earrings. Man, those were the days. 

But when children started coming along, time was of the essence. My makeup started getting less and less. Now that I'm in my older years, it really has. I have gotten more simple and I am fine with that. If I am going out somewhere with dear hubby, I take more time. Or church.

 Sometimes, even if I am just at home and want to just boost my self confidence and look just a little put together, I will just put on some lip gloss.

Come along and I'll show you 

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