
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

First Calf On 4D Farms

 We are so excited. We have the first calf born on 4D Farms. It has been a long time coming.

This has been a long time dream of dear hubby's since he was a teen but he joined the Marine Corp and it got pushed to the back future. Then our oldest son has loved cows and bulls since he was 3 yrs old. He wanted to be a bull rider but mom and dad were too scared and worried so that dream got pushed to the back future.  Well here they are now finally living their dream. 

I had to sneak a pet while momma was eating. Some baby cow loves ❤️ 🐄

Teach Them Where Their Food Comes From

Today our granddaughters learned how to wash, slice, chop and grate Zucchini and squash. They enjoyed practicing their cutting skills and Atleigh said, "I cut with a real knife and didn't loose any fingers!!!". 🤣 She was very proud of herself. We processed 26 packages for meals minus what was dipped in ranch and in their bellies. Then they vacuum sealed them and put them into the freezer.

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