
Saturday, April 15, 2023

Life Is Getting Back To Normal

 Well, we got home from our work trip and as we came into our town and drove closer to home, our hearts sank. So much destruction. This is where our son works. They were getting ready to go out to work for the day. Some exhausted men. 😩 Their work was hard. Other counties came in to help. Our church stepped up and became a crisis center to serve meals and take donations.  People are regrouping, recovering and being helped and compensated for their losses. We are a strong community. 

The girls got to come spend a day with us and I was teaching them how to read seed packets for our time zone. We are excited to have a garden again this year. We have not had to grow anything in 3 yrs. We are going to try some new things this year. 

My momma has discovered a YouTube craft channel. She made the girls a few things. She also made some things that takes me back to my childhood.  One year, my momma wanted to make all of our Christmas tree ornaments. I remember us sitting for a few months making these. Over the years they depleted and only my sisters had maybe two ornaments left. Well, my momma picked them up and said she wanted to try to make some more and she did. Now, I have some for my tree along with our kids and their trees, and my sisiters. She made some for the girls to play with and treasure. They were a hit. 

They didn't get to spend the night because we had to share them with Daddy. He had been working so many hours with the storm relief that he hardly got to see them. However,  we did get to spend Easter together. 🐣 The Easter bunny 🐰 thought he would make it more challenging this year and dropped almost 200 eggs on 20 acres. Yep, us old folk rode the Ranger while they ran around. I'm too old for that. Trust me when I say we all slept good that night. We decorated cookies and they opened their treasures. I think we only missed 3 eggs we couldn't find. 

These little farm girls are such a big help taking care of the cows, when they are not goofing off. 

This is a very special pic for dear hubby. The cows have been moved to spring pasture to his late mommas property.  Before she passed, she told David she would love to see cows back there. Well, there they are for you Nanny. It was an emotional time for him. 

We had a very fun weekend with our family then it was time to leave again to the next work place. We arrived at our destination and got settled. The next morning, I had to go to my very favorite place and get some breakfast. My heart was happy. 

I had to go get us some groceries for the week.  I saw that canned biscuits were on sale and boy, do I have so many plans with them.  Here is one:
Then one day I went to one of my favorite Goodwill stores. I had been looking for a basic purse I wanted. I had found one at Walmart but just couldn't bring myself to pay $40 for a purse. So, I waited until I got here. What did my eyes spot? 3 purses I liked and yes, I got all 3 for $22. 

Dear hubby (David) and I went out to eat for date night at our most favorite place in the whole world, that is no lie. 

Dear Hubby (David) and I celebrated our First Date Annivery from 33 yrs ago. Here is our love story and how we began:

Happy First Date Anniversary 💙❤️🎉
33 years ago today, our love story began. This man asked me out on a date and at first I hesitated. But I am so glad I did say yes. Some people didn't think we would make it, well, I guess we proved them wrong. 
We have never looked back, only looked forward to the prizes that awaited us. We have worked together as a team and had no regrets. This is our journey and we will enjoy it together. 

Here is our story: 

In January of 1990, I was so sick of boys it was pathetic. I needed a fresh new start to my life cause I was cleaning it up. I sat on the hood of my car and prayed that God would just send me somebody who loved me. They didn't have to know why, just as long as they did, I didn't care. And I asked him to throw in tall,dark, and handsome too. So that way I would know it was God. Well, 

33 yrs ago this tall, dark and handsome drink of water asked me out on a date. I was skeptical at first cause I didn't want to screw up again and not follow Gods plan. The tall, dark and handsome should have rung a bell, but I didn't catch it. 
Well, there was just some thing about him. Maybe it was those baby blues, I don't know, but I said ok. He scared me because on this first date he already told me he loved me. Now, I'm thinking boy, you're moving way to fast for me. But I let him tell me anyway. Three weeks later he scared me more when he said he knew I was the one he was going to marry. In my head I wanted to run, but once again, those baby blues did it, along with my heart. And look at that face. Who could resist that? I felt then God was giving me a fresh new start. So, I just had to ask, "Why do you love me?" His answer, "I don't know, I just do!" BAM!!!! It's like God Gibb slapped me in the back of my head and I remembered my prayer. Then I knew, this is the one. David said, "It took you that long to figure it out? I've been knowing it all along!" Really? Smarty pants. 
Boy, am I so glad I did say yes. It has been an incredible journey and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I'd do it all over again. We have come a long way with God's grace and this December we will be married 32 years. I am one who can truly say God answers prayers. I love you David Dixon with all my heart. Thank you for not knowing why you love me. Lol. ❤❤❤❤❤💋💋💋💋
And then today is National Husband Appreciation Day April 15th. 

Yes, ladies, today is National Husband Appreciation Day. 
I look at this man today the same as I did 33 yrs ago when we first met. I mean, who could resist those eyes 👀 😍. To me, he hung the moon, he is Superman 🦸‍♂️, he is my strength 💪, my heart ❤️, my soul mate 💙 tje calm to my storm, my peace when I am unsettled. 
I am no even exaggerating when I say he is loyal, dedicated, determined, compassionate, kind hearted, devoted, unselfish, man, I could go on and on. I have been the recipient of every single quality, character trait and good deed from him. He never ceases to amaze me. He is and always will still be the one God chose just for me.

For the weekend and most of next week, I have YouTube and blog work to do. Then I will be going home for the weekend and try to get some planting done with plenty of help by the way, to get ready for our harvesting season. I can't wait to have fresh veggies again and some new things. 😋 
I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday and are in good spirits. 
Be sure to check out our channel for new vidoes and more to come.

Also, I have created a new page on Facebook for all us ladies to just communicate and encourage one another and share all kinds of information on Wives, Mothers etc.
Check it out on Facebook at Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms. Be sure to Follow, Like and Share

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