
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

How To Get To Our Pages On Our Blog


I want my blog to be full of so much information that it will help someone in some kind of way. I am very passionate about helping people simplify their lives. If I see, hear of, or heck, even try some of these tips and hacks and they personally blow me away and make my life easier, OF COURSE I WANT TO SHOUT IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS!!!!!! I will instantly post on FaceBook, Instagram, Pinterest, our YouTube channel or something. We didn't or don't get to where we are today by not listening to or reading someones knowledgeable advice that is given in such a loving and caring way. My goodness, think of the older generations that have gone on before us. My Grandparents for example. I learned so much of what I do today by growing up on the farm and watching EVERY LITTLE OR BIG THING they did. I learned from my precious Momma. I learned from reading, reading, reading (before Google and YouTube)

This is the reason why I took 3 years designing, creating, writing, collecting links, etc to put on my blog to share all the wonderful things I have learned (alot from personal experience) so you could see and read it too.

The best part is, it is all right here on this blog. I know you're saying, "Where?" "All I see is journal posts like a diary." Look closer.......... You see those titles in the header at the top? Yes, those thingies..... They are extra Pages. The titles are links to extra pages on our blog that you click on and a whole new will pop up. Whatever the title is of the page, is what you are going to find and I will be talking about that particular subject. For instance, I love being a Homemaker. Well, the title Homemaking is where you are going to find all kinds of information. If you want to know how to Can or Preserve Food, click on our Canning and Preserving page or title in the subheader.....viola' There you have it folks. But I will say, I love writing and you might want to grab a cup of coffee, tea or a big ole glass of sweet iced tea because there is alot of information. I can't give advice on something that I know nothing about, but trust me, these things I can.

I hope you will take the time to check them out and most of all I hope you find something you love and enjoy and book mark it. Please feel free to comment. We would love to hear from you. 

Thank you for your time and sincerely, I hope you enjoy everything about our blog. Be sure to follow us and sign up for our email list to receive notifications in your Inbox for every time a new post is uploaded.

Have a very blessed day. C ya'll in the next post.

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