
Wednesday, March 29, 2023

I Am So Proud

 I am so proud to announce that I think I have a way now that all my friends can now sign up to get email notifications of when new posts have been made on the blog. 

As you all know, some time ago, Feedburner was no longer available on Blogger. This left alot of us with loosing alot of followers and not knowing what to do from there. Well, I discovered Follow It. It is a Email Subscription Tool that you can now use to replace Feedburner. It  is easy to sign up for and follow all the prompts. TRUST ME, IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN TOO.   I am not a computer gooru, and I was so  intimidated to try it, but I did and you can now see it on the right hand side of the screen, under the Header, with a nice purple hue for the box...😃 

If you would like to sign back up to start receiving emails to get notifications each time a new post is up and running, please try the new sign up button and most of all, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF IT WORKS OR YOU HAVE ANY TROUBLE.  I need to make sure it is working properly. But be patient as I am still learning this  new feature. I would like to apologize to my subscribers who were on my email list from Feedburner. I do not know how to transfer your emails over to this new site. They were probably deleted. Please feel free to re-subscribe. 

I hope this will help other creators as in giving you the courage to try it and get this feature for yourself. It was of no cost to me for the Basic set up. There are packages if you are a bigger blooger or business. 

I would like to thank each and every one of you who so faithfully follow my blog. 

Have a blessed day. 


  1. If this works, please post how to get the widget and install it. Thanks!

    1. Hey Kristina. I signed up through Followit and entered all my info and then follow the prompts to get the link or install. I can't remember what the directions said. It was real easy to install the widget on my sidebar through my dashboard of Blogger. I hope this helps.
