
Sunday, February 5, 2023

Just a Work Week

 This week is just a work week for us. The girls are with their mommy and other grandparents.  They are having a good time. 

We are just catching up on projects, cleaning and weathering the ice storm. 

We got some more things done in the girls room, and have been adding some lights to the living room ceiling and rearranging some lights that we have taken down during our kitchen renovation. 

We got the garden burned off but some heavy brush wouldn't burn so we will have to bush hog it down when the ice melts and garden dries up. 

Dear hubby has been working on making summer sausage and it is delicious. Working on that video for our YouTube channel. 

5 minite no knead bread dough makes great crescent rolls, bagels and monkey bread 😋 forgive the missing bite. Some body had to taste test

Home canned fermented saurkraut makes good saurkraut and Cajun sausage paired with home canned peas. Yummy. 

Yes, I heard "cha ching" every time I cracked an egg this morning. But they sure go good with chopped ham, peppers and cheese and left over biscuits make good open faced toasted, buttered biscuits. 😊

I had alot of thoughts running through my head this morning while I was working on the girls bedroom. 

To understand a child is to get on their level and think like a child. We have been lead to believe that children are just in our world and are made to tag along for the ride. When in reality, they are some times our saving grace and the Bible calls them a blessing.

Yes I do have alot of toys in my house. Yes, we do have to clean them up after playing, but you know what? To children, their things and personal belongings are their "safe place and comfort". It's things that are familiar, comforting, brings them peace, and they cling to in times of stress, trouble etc. Each toy, each stuffed animal, blanket, pillow, bed, books, etc., brings them joy. So, yes, i will keep picking them up.

I have been working and recording some videos coming up in the next few months.  

I didn't feel good at all on Monday. I felt nauseous all day and so tired. 😪 

I started feeling a little better Tuesday.  

Finally getting around to scrubbing my kitchen down after all the holiday baking and cooking. Took me 3 days. So sore and fatigued. Had to take frequent breaks. 

Went to see my momma and daddy and helped get their WiFi hooked up and running for them. Then dear hubby and I had a lunch date. Came home and tried to finish cleaning up a bit. Just rested the rest of the day and night. 

The last few days of theweek, I was so sore I couldn't move. My butt literally hurt. No exaggeration.  😁 

I had to finish the rest of the week with computer work and ended Sunday with church. 


  1. You had a very busy week, but sounds like a good one. I enjoyed your thoughts on kids and their things. I agree.
