
Sunday, December 18, 2022

Daily Happenings


My little buddy is back and helping me a ton. 

Christmas crack in goodie bags ✔️ 

We may or may not have gotten a sugar rush.

It appears I have a traitor in my midst. Poppies best friend. πŸ‘Œ ❤️πŸ’™

I've even got David looking for things that he likes to go on sale so we can repackage them and put in the freezer. 😁

We've got some decorating done all we lack is the tree. 

Dear hubby Worked for two days in the kitchen and was making deer jerky and deer burgers. 🦌 

It was his time to shine in the kitchen doing what he loves best. He even let me take pics and a few clips for some videos for our channel that will be coming soon. 


This was pretty much all day.  I hear loud noises from the living room. This use to go on all the time but it was boys. Now it's girls. 

Poppie to Caroline: "I am 51 you are 4. I'm not gonna let you bully me."

Caroline: a little mischievous little laughing noise πŸ˜† 

Poppie: screams like a little girl πŸ‘§ 


Later that afternoon, we got a phone call that Atleigh had to be picked up at school and was running a high fever and heart rate was up. Her mommy took her to the ER.  After a long day and night, many blood tests, chest exrays,  swabs, urine samples, an IV with fluids and antibiotics, they finally diagnosed her with Adenovirus.  

I am going to provide a link in hopes it might help someone who has young children or babies. I think it explains alot of what is happening in our schools. 


 Atleigh got to come back home last night after 11pm.  All she wanted all day and all night was to come to Gmaws house. As soon as they told her she could go home, she rips everything off and pulls her IV out herself and jumped down. She was sick of that place. Dakota brought her last night in the pouring down rain. Bless her. Whatever it takes to make them happy 😊 ❤️❤️.


They slept in due to a long night. We have to make her get rest, drink plenty of fluids, and not run around alot. She has times she feels good and times she feels bad. 

Comfy pants, movies, reading, painting, school, and I guess rocking children kind of day.


So Atliegh couldn't go to school today because of fever and she is missing her school Christmas partyπŸ˜“ So yall know Gmaw always has a plan B. So Christmas party at Gmaws it is. Tea party, salt dough ornaments, and they wanted to make their own videos. We're not done yet. We've got all day.

Then I let them decorate one of their little Christmas trees

Daddy came and got them. 


Atleigh is on Christmas break now. This morning she was happy she didn't have to go to school and got to come to Gmaws. So, we started more fun. We painted the ornaments we made yesterday.  They had to cure over night. We bagged them up for Christmas presents. 

Then of course, we had to do some baking. 

After nap time we played for a bit then we got ready to go to the parade in town only to find out they started it earlier than advertised and last minute decision. So many people were upset that we missed it. So many children were upset. We took them for ice cream to help a little. 

We got back home and got ready for bed and watched some Christmas movies. 


We mostly took it easy the first half the morning, took a nap and then when we woke up it was time to get ready for a family get together. Our youngest son wanted to have Christmas again at my late Mother in Laws home. He lives there now and has taken really good care of it. Of course he feels like home there. We have not had a get together at her home since she passed. It has been hard on family. But he really wanted the family to gather again like we use to. Nanny always had get togethers at her house. All holidays. It felt good to be with family again as they had been missing it too. 

A good time was had by all. 


I am so exhausted, I cannot get moving this morning.  This week has absolutely caught up with me. Next week will be all about getting everything else ready for Christmas.  I have a few more gifts to wrap and separate to the homes we need to take them to. I have things that goes to a family get together on my side. My sisters and nieces and nephews. I have all goodie bags and treat bags all ready. 

My house needs to be cleaned too, so that is on my to do list this week. 

We have our oldest sons bday tomorrow and our anniversary Wednesday.  πŸ’™ ❤️

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