
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Wrapping Things Up

 Well, we are coming to the end of this work trip.  In a few more days we will be heading home and I can't wait because I bet you I have gained 10lbs since we've been here. I have not been able to cook because the room is too small for my traveling kitchen and we have had to eat out all the time.  Honestly, I don't mind an occasional night out but every meal is a no no. I'm honestly miserable. I have done more sitting on this trip due to video and computer work and I can feel it in my joints.  I can't wait to get back home and be busy and moving. Of course, I will probably get tired and wish I could have some down time. Oh well, I can rest at home when I need some rest. Lol. 

I've been able to enjoy some more pretty weather and I'm still hanging on as long as I can. I'm not looking forward to cold weather but I know I've got to embrace it because it's a comin'.. 

I grabbed a book and went to the lake here for a few days in a row and just sit by the calm water. 

Dear hubby takes care of me. He knows I hate tying shoes and the way my feet swell on and off, these make it easier to adjust my shoes without tying and retying. Thank you sweetheart. 😊 

I literally watched this little dude plant and cover up a nut. So that's where those new little trees come from. Lol. 

Teenage girls of the 80's, do ya'll remember these? They were the rage and they are making a come back. I AM SO EXCITED, I FOUND SOME. Try Sally's Beauty Supply. You're welcome. 💄💄

I have been doing video and computer work and I was going through some old photos on my computer and found this one. This child. When Poppie would be out of town, this baby would grab a picture of him and walk around holding it, kissing it, hugging it and talking to it. She did this one day and at nap time, she brought it with her, climbed up in my lap, hugged it and went to sleep. 🤴👸

We love video calling the girls because they love to show us everything while we're talking, like the cows, the sky, the trees, their funny faces 😆 and occasionally picking their nose and doing homework. It's just the little things. ❤️❤️

I've got two more  videos up in our Make Ahead Breakfast series. In one, I have my dil with me in the kitchen.  

Some mornings you just have to sit on a heating pad, drink your coffee, have your devotion and prayer time, and run your diffuser.

I want to leave you with something. 

I love to go to thrift stores especially in different places and states. I went to one the other day and spotted this. Now ya'll know anything to do with marriage and parenting is my passion. Of course the title intrigued me and I had to get it because curiosity got the best of me. This book gives men the chance to tell their sides of the story without ridicule, judgement, criticism, and being made fun of by their wives. This is one reason why men never open up and talk. WE DONT LISTEN!!!!! 

Boy, let me tell you. I have been married almost 32 yrs and if I would have had this book when we first got married, I would have already learned alot. I learned alot reading it now. She tore me up one side and down the other. She doesn't hold back and she doesn't play. It opened my eyes to red flags and problems that I see happening in people's marriages today. It woke me up persay. 

I want to challenge every young woman (before you get married), newly married, seasoned married, to read this book. If you are beginning to see problems that weren't there before and they are building up and causing problems in your marriage, GET THIS BOOK. She has saved alot of marriages. She is a counselor and she is smart. She can listen to your first sentence of your explanation to a problem and already see the problem. 

She has several more books too. She has a radio call in show. This will stay in my library.

We will wrap up things here and get back home to our family. We are going to Atleighs school for her Veterans Day program. We can't wait.  

Hunting season has started and we are ready to get our hunt on too. I have plans this year to plant some fall onion and garlic to see what I can get come spring. I have never planted anything in the fall so we will see. So many plans already. 

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