
Monday, November 28, 2022

Wonderful Weekend

 We have had a wonderful weekend with family and just relaxing and enjoying what we do. 

We had a great Thanksgiving meal with all my family and my momma and daddy. So thankful everyone was off work. After everyone left, we cleaned up and just rested. More like passed out. Lol. 

I was looking back through pics of the day and saw that I was missing a pic of me and my sweetheart. I was so busy getting pics of everyone else especially Caroline before she jerked her hair down, that I didn't get anyone to take a pic of us. So, I make him put back on his shirt and I put back on mine and we took a quick one. 

Guys, just take the picture ok? Trust me, just take the pictures. 

The next day, I made a trip to local grocery store and bought some meat while it was on sale and I picked up some more pineapples,  potatoes and more sweet potatoes and onions before the sale went off. Needless to say our storage room is a mess but I've got work to do next week. We got all the meat separated and packaged and I uploaded two videos of that. You can see them here.  I break down what I bought,  price and how we put it up. 

Shop The Sales Part 1 

Shop The Sales Part 2

Dear hubby got the gutters all cleaned out and our flough cleaned out to get ready for our first fire 🔥  of the season in the fireplace. 

That evening I got to go hunting while dear hubby made us supper. It was my turn to go. I only saw young ones and a mature doe but they were all together. 

Saturday, we both hunted. I had activity all around me all morning. It was the same group of does. 

Then I had activity behind me. I had some nosey visitors. They finally got tired of waiting so they just layed down in the pasture. Lol. 

He didn't have any activity. 

We came in, ate lunch, took a well deserved nap and just relaxed and enjoyed our evening. I went and got us some supper and he took care of the cows. We ate and watched football the rest of the night. 

Sunday was church and then, we had date day and went to Lowes and out to eat. I picked up 160 bulbs to plant some onions. I have never planted any in the fall but we will see. Dear hubby got to pick up his Christmas present early because they were on sale and didn't want to miss it. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

They've Had A Workout

 My canners have literally got a work out today. Finishing up now. Here is the break down:

20 lbs of potatoes for $11.08 on sale yielded 17 qts of meals. I see fried potatoes, roasted potatoes, potato soup, mashed potatoes, throw in Soups and stews, and potato salad.

16 to 18 lbs of carrots at $1.48 for a 2 lb bag yielded 17 qts and one pint of meals. 

Glazed carrots, steamed carrots, Soups, stews and roasts, roasted carrots. 

One stalk celery for $.98, 2 qts. Stuffing, potatoe salad, cream of celery soup. 

Before the inflation, I have paid better prices. 

I'll show yall later what I did with the rest of the celery. I'm tired.

You can catch our Canning Carrots video and Canning Potatoes Two Ways on our channel. 

Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms

Monday, November 21, 2022

He Outdid Himself

 This man out did himself tonight. Ole Curly's back strap sure was delicious. This is how you make a 5 yr old buck in rutt taste good. 👌 And yall remember those caramelized onions in the gravy I canned? Well that liquid gold made an awesome addition to supper. Along with Nanny's green beans fried in bacon, glazed carrots and baked sweet potatoes. 😋

My sweetheart knows I live to can and preserve. If it can be canned, it's gonna get canned. If it can be froze, it's gonna get frozen. I haven't tried dehydrating yet, but give me time, I just might. 

With his help tonight, we made light work of 20# of potatoes to prep for canning. We have 20 more lbs to go. I will keep a tally and let you know. 

If you want to know how I can my potatoes, check out our video on our YouTube channel 

Canning Potatoes

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Finally Home

 Well, we finally made it home. It feels so nice. 

I absolutely cannot wait to share this with my little buddies. Why, yes, I did go to an antique store in AR and put us together a China tea set.  Yes, I will teach them some etiquette and how to be gentle and careful.  It's the memory making I love best. And I may share them with my big girls too. Jordan Ryan and Brylee Dixon I may even let Dallas Dixon join in. 😁

We had the opportunity of surprising some little girls. 

When your Marine Veteran Poppie suprises you and shows up at your school for your Veterans Day program, this is what you get. Look at that child's face then look at her Poppies. She could not contain her emotions and excitement. She waved and blew him kisses the whole time. She cried, Poppie cried, I cried, we all cried. She held in her emotions to be so brave to sing her songs but after it was over and they were dismissed, she ran to her Poppie and just let it all out. Bless her gentle heart. She loves her Poppie. 

When Caroline saw us, she came running into our arms and laps. We got the best kisses ever. 

We got to check her out and their mommy let us have them for the weekend.  We took them to lunch and a treat. 

Later that evening, I finally got to have my tea party with my girls. They loved their cups and saucers. 

After our tea party we went outside to feed the cows and check them out.  We finally got them onto our pasture. 

It feels strange hearing moos all the time now. Now, I get free fertilizer for my garden. We have two that will be calving this season. The girls love to help feed them. 

We got up the next morning and we needed to go grocery shopping. They were a big help. We had to bundle up because it has turned cold here. 

That evening we had another tea party. 

A nice day for another tea party. I even found a use for some of my grandmother and great Grandmothers handkerchiefs. These are Atleigh and Caroline's Great Great Grandmothers and Great Great Great Grandmothers handkerchiefs. They were delighted. Less slurping and notice Caroline's pinky. 🥰 We're getting there.

We are supper and then I had great helpers prepping some groceries we bought and cleaning the kitchen.  I let each pick what they wanted to do. 

I pulled out some things from our pantry and threw together deer chilli for supper. 

The peaches and green beans were for the girls because they love them. 

Somebody else loves their Poppie too. 

We read stories at bedtime and went to bed. The next morning we went to church. After church, I let them decorate a cabinet for us for Thanksgiving 

Neither one of them wanted to go home that night so we let them spend another night. I got Atleigh up the next morning and got her ready for school and packed her lunch. Got her down to daddys so they could get her to school.  I let Caroline sleep in and Poppie stayed with her. She got up when I got back. 

Poppie helped fix her hair. No, he's not performing an exorcism,  he's just brushing her hair.  He is getting good at messy buns. 

Me and Caroline had work to do that day. We needed to get restocked on them some freezer breakfasts.  We made batches of waffles and chaffles. She did a really good job. And we had fun. We might have made a video 😁😁

As usual,  big Sissy is a little jealous that little sissy gets to stay with me. She's already asking to spend the night again.  Bless her. I am so glad we are loved so much and they are so comfortable with us. We have a great bond. 

While I was cleaning up, I noticed it got quiet. Sometimes they just want to read a good book, in a cabinet. Don't worry, they don't lock. She is safe. 

We did a little school too. 

Poppie had gone hunting that afternoon and he told us he would try to get us a deer and he did not disappoint.  He got one he has been chasing for three years. They have a history.  

He had to take it to a friend of ours to hang in his deer cooler. We let ours hang for 5 days before processing which will come soon. 

The next day, me and little sissy was at it again.  We made some balsamic strawberry vinegarette using the cut off tops from strawberries. I let her practice cutting. 

Yes, I got the idea off YouTube.  It is delicious.  You just use your tops of strawberries instead of landing them into the trash. You cover with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sugar,  pepper and a pinch salt. Muse down a bit and let sit at room temp overnight. The next, strain and get remaining liquid out of strawberries.  Change seasonings and oils to taste. The recipe gave no measurements so I had to play around. You can also make vinegar from the scraps. You can check out videos of what to do with fruit scraps and oh my, the videos that pop up. 

It was time for sissy to get home from school and I had to start helping her count down the days until she gets to spend the night. It makes her feel better. They helped Poppie feed the cows and then they had to go home. 

The next day, once again a project for me and Caroline. I'll explain. When we went grocery shopping it wasn't just for groceries. I purposely bought things that were on sale so I could can and preserve them. This is what I do in the winter.  Things that I don't grow, I buy on sale and then process. This is a good way to stock your freezers and pantries. I do the vegetables, and dear hubby gets the meats. 

So this day was pineapple. 

Mine and Caroline's work from yesterday. I will break it down. These are all the things you can get from pineapples. 

1- From the stem, you can replant and possibly get another pineapple 🍍 

2- fresh pineapple rings, chunks or crushed pineapple. We got 4 pints. Can be eaten fresh or in baking. 

3- from the scraps (rinds and cores), I boiled them down and got the extra juice extracted which contains Bromalaine(sp) which is an anti inflammatory property found in pineapples. I used this juice to make syrup which can be used for pancakes, waffles, French toast, ice cream, yogurt, smoothies, teas, anything you want, even in baking goods. We got 4 jelly jars and 5 mini jelly jars full. 

4- after juicing down all the scraps, they can be used to feed wildlife or compost for your garden. 

5- you can also use the scraps to make pineapple vinegar which is extremely rich in probiotics. 

So, all those things from 2 $1.98 pineapples. Not bad. So many uses.

While they were processing,  we did some school.

When daddy and sissy go there from school, they didn't get to stay long. They had to go get some supper to eat for that night and get back so she could do homework.  To be honest, I don't like school. 😞 No offense to any of you awesome school teachers. It's just that I've been with them since the day they were born and then all the sudden they get whisked off to school.  We barely get to see them when they get home before they have to go to bed. It breaks my heart to see little ones have to get out of bed before the crack of dawn. I homeschooled our boys until Jr High and they became more independent. This is all new to me, well, not that I wouldn't know what to do, because this is not my first rodeo. 

Yesterday all I did was let Caroline play and I was trying to get one room clean and straightened and file papers. Uncle Dallas came by for a visit and played with her a minute. 

Dakota went on call and Poppie had to go get big sissy from school.  That made her day, especially when Poppie took her to the candy store on the way home. 🤣 

They got home and fed the cows and had to go home. 

I had a project to do but it had to be done when they went home because:

No, I'm not crying, you're crying. No, I'm crying 😭 😢. These onions tore me up. I knew I couldn't do them while they were here because it would burn their eyes. 

Last night, I cut up 12 lbs of onions and put them in my roasting pan to caramelize them. 


Our project today, (while also tending to a sick one that Poppie had to go pick up). Y'all remember those onions I did last night? Well, we turned those into caramelized onions and canned them in beef broth and Lipton Onion Soup mix. These are all the things you can do with them. 

1- French Onion Soup

2- Cream of Onion Soup 

3- Caramelized onions over Hamburger steaks, fried deer minute steaks, country fried steaks, pork chops. 

4- use the broth and make a gravy to pour over the onions or mashed potatoes. 

5- roasts and stews

6- French dip for roast beef sandwiches 

7- use the scraps to put with other vegetable scraps to make vegetable broth.

8- plant the root end of the Onion and you can grow another one.  

The possibilities are endless. Price break down:

4- 3lb bags for $2 each. That's 12 lbs for $8.00. I got 10 qt jars. Look at all the meals I can do with this. It pays to buy things on sale, get more, and preserve it some way. You're Welcome.

Big sister started feeling a little better after I got her fever down. Then it was nap time and story time. A little bit into nap and her fever started rising again. She slept for 3 hours.  When she woke up her Daddy was here to check on her. 

She rested for a bit and she felt just good enough to have a tea party and drink some warm tea. This time they learned how to steep their tea bags and stir their sugar cubes. 

We ate supper,  I cleaned the kitchen while they colored some pictures for Thanksgiving.  We got baths and I made some popcorn and we watched Charlie Browns The Great Pumpkin and Thanksgiving movies. We will save the Christmas one for closer to Christmas.  Then it was bedtime. 

Today, they slept in late. So did I. We all needed it. It's just been a lazy pj day. Big sister is still running a low fever. It is mostly allergies. Little sister is all but hanging from the ceiling. Lol. It's all about balance. Daddy came and got them when he got off call. So me and dear hubby are just chilling. He is about froze to death from hunting all morning. The deer were not moving like they were the past few days. Different moon phase. 

It has been a good week. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Wrapping Things Up

 Well, we are coming to the end of this work trip.  In a few more days we will be heading home and I can't wait because I bet you I have gained 10lbs since we've been here. I have not been able to cook because the room is too small for my traveling kitchen and we have had to eat out all the time.  Honestly, I don't mind an occasional night out but every meal is a no no. I'm honestly miserable. I have done more sitting on this trip due to video and computer work and I can feel it in my joints.  I can't wait to get back home and be busy and moving. Of course, I will probably get tired and wish I could have some down time. Oh well, I can rest at home when I need some rest. Lol. 

I've been able to enjoy some more pretty weather and I'm still hanging on as long as I can. I'm not looking forward to cold weather but I know I've got to embrace it because it's a comin'.. 

I grabbed a book and went to the lake here for a few days in a row and just sit by the calm water. 

Dear hubby takes care of me. He knows I hate tying shoes and the way my feet swell on and off, these make it easier to adjust my shoes without tying and retying. Thank you sweetheart. 😊 

I literally watched this little dude plant and cover up a nut. So that's where those new little trees come from. Lol. 

Teenage girls of the 80's, do ya'll remember these? They were the rage and they are making a come back. I AM SO EXCITED, I FOUND SOME. Try Sally's Beauty Supply. You're welcome. 💄💄

I have been doing video and computer work and I was going through some old photos on my computer and found this one. This child. When Poppie would be out of town, this baby would grab a picture of him and walk around holding it, kissing it, hugging it and talking to it. She did this one day and at nap time, she brought it with her, climbed up in my lap, hugged it and went to sleep. 🤴👸

We love video calling the girls because they love to show us everything while we're talking, like the cows, the sky, the trees, their funny faces 😆 and occasionally picking their nose and doing homework. It's just the little things. ❤️❤️

I've got two more  videos up in our Make Ahead Breakfast series. In one, I have my dil with me in the kitchen.  

Some mornings you just have to sit on a heating pad, drink your coffee, have your devotion and prayer time, and run your diffuser.

I want to leave you with something. 

I love to go to thrift stores especially in different places and states. I went to one the other day and spotted this. Now ya'll know anything to do with marriage and parenting is my passion. Of course the title intrigued me and I had to get it because curiosity got the best of me. This book gives men the chance to tell their sides of the story without ridicule, judgement, criticism, and being made fun of by their wives. This is one reason why men never open up and talk. WE DONT LISTEN!!!!! 

Boy, let me tell you. I have been married almost 32 yrs and if I would have had this book when we first got married, I would have already learned alot. I learned alot reading it now. She tore me up one side and down the other. She doesn't hold back and she doesn't play. It opened my eyes to red flags and problems that I see happening in people's marriages today. It woke me up persay. 

I want to challenge every young woman (before you get married), newly married, seasoned married, to read this book. If you are beginning to see problems that weren't there before and they are building up and causing problems in your marriage, GET THIS BOOK. She has saved alot of marriages. She is a counselor and she is smart. She can listen to your first sentence of your explanation to a problem and already see the problem. 

She has several more books too. She has a radio call in show. This will stay in my library.

We will wrap up things here and get back home to our family. We are going to Atleighs school for her Veterans Day program. We can't wait.  

Hunting season has started and we are ready to get our hunt on too. I have plans this year to plant some fall onion and garlic to see what I can get come spring. I have never planted anything in the fall so we will see. So many plans already.