
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Spoiling Myself

 Update: 3 weeks into this dip gel powder manicure I did. Only had to maintenence one time due to lifting and nail bed growing away from cuticle. All I did then was buff and apply a fresh top coat. I have scrubbed pots and pans, used my fingernails to scrape gunk off counter tops and stoves and such, swam, grab things,  used them to open boxes. Not one chip, no breakage, and no peeling. I would say this kit has more than paid for itself and future manicures for a year.  Well worth it.

Why yes, this is my plate and because I can. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫐🧇

I am so loving this book by Elizabeth George.  These are my words not hers. 

IN ALL THINGS, PRAY. Then start learning to listen and let him guide you. One reason why we get into so much turmoil in our own lives, is because we try to do it our way. Trust me, I know and it didn't work out good for me. When I finally broke and prayed and let him lead, man, God opened the gates of Heaven and rained down his blessing. 

This is why I say you can't always "follow your heart" . Our hearts can want so many things, but if it is not Gods will for your life, you're not going to do it or have it. Praying and seeking God's will for your life is the best way to gain so much wisdom. You're life is not going ao great right now? PRAY. You need to know what to do about making changes in your life or for the well being of your family PRAY. You want to better yourself or have better finances? PRAY. Not sure of relationships or if a person is right for you? GOOD HEAVENS YOU BETTER PRAY. God hears even small little concerns like a stay at home mom needing to plan her day with children in tow, how to shop wisely for groceries to get the most for your finances, how to plan your day so the home runs smoother, how to pay the bills and when? etc. 

No circumstances too small or too big for God not to hear your concerns or ideas.

Because I can, that's why!

Jump in the lake by day, jacuzzi at night. Because I can.

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