
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

New Videos and Relaxing

 Well, I have been relaxing and enjoying the view out here everyday. I have discovered that deer eat peoples plants down to a nub out here as well as back home so I don't feel so bad. 😕 😉🤣

I have been pampering myself too. 

If you don't have a Gel Dip Powder kit in your life, you need one. This is only my second time lots of trail and error, but each time has lasted me 3 weeks or 3 1/2 weeks each. I paired two kits together. $28 and $18 off of Amazon and it will last me over a year. Each kit will give over 25 manicures. The big one with all the colors will give well over 50 manicures. Figure the math versus one manicure.

Here is another I paired with it

Every morning me and dear hubby enjoy our coffee outside under the porch. It is very nice. We are getting ideas for us one. It is great listening to the pouring down rain sometimes too which happened a few mornings. 

I have also worked hard the past week getting two new videos up on our channel. I've had so many people waiting on these. 

This video is packed full of information on how we preserve alot of our food. I give quick start tips to Canning, Water Bathing, and freezing. I explain the pros and cons of Canning versus freezing and how to know which one you want to use. This is the first video of a series to my Canning videos that I've had so many requests for and people waiting on. Click on the pic to watch.

Also this one:

This is how I can our potatoes and I love them. They are easy to do even if you are a beginner and want to learn to start Canning. You don't always have to grow a garden to preserve food. Check out our latest video by clicking on the pic.

I hope you enjoy them and can use the info and maybe try your hand at beginning to can your own food. More videos to come but I'm going to take the next few days to relax and rest. 

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