
Thursday, September 22, 2022

More Relaxing and Less Work

 Well, maybe I need to work too but right now I chose to relax again. I went back to the lake another day. I got to see my little friends again. They were so relaxed and comfortable with me that they fell asleep at my feet. When it was time to swim, I told them to follow me and they did. They followed me right to the water and got in with me. I have a video of it but it want upload because it is too many minutes. Bummer. They were so cute. 

Over the next few days I have been enjoying the hot tub too. Don't be hatin'

We enjoy having our morning coffee on the porch on Saturday mornings and watching football all day. Dear hubby will cook on these days as well. 

However, today is a work day. 

When you have blog work and video editing to do but you still want to be by the water, you just pack a bag and go down to the dock. Hey, a girl gotta eat too. 😋

I am editing alot of new videos coming soon on our channel. And I have alot of blog work to do. 

Right now, I'm just gonna work and enjoy the view too. 

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