
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Just A Relaxing Week and Computer Work

 I have had to do alot of computer work, blog work and YouTube work done this week.  My computer had over 10,000 pics on it. Yikes! I am a picture taker for memories but my computer can only hold so much. Same goes for videos. I needed to get unedited videos edited and scheduled for our channel and back them up onto dvds. Nobody wants to loose all that hard work that's for sure. And then updating alot on our blog. I am still researching email subscription hosts to put on my blog. I have no clue what I'm doing there. But I will figure it out. 

When you have blog work and video editing to do but you still want to be by the water, you just pack a bag and go down to the dock. Hey, a girl gotta eat too. 😋

I only ventured out one day this week and did ok. I am planning an outing this week but can't tell you what it is yet just in case I don't get to. 

That man of mine should know that I'm going to find a sewing and craft store near me no matter where I go. If you sew, you will know patterns can be expensive. Anywhere from $13 to $20 a piece. Well my friend, this week at Joanne's, Simplicity patterns were $1.99 each. I wait for these sales and I stock up. What would have cost me $145.00 only cost about $20 because three of those I has to get two different sizes. Hobby Lobby use to run sales all the time for $.99 and they stopped. 

I have really been enjoying this book and all books by Elizabeth George. 

IN ALL THINGS, PRAY. Then start learning to listen and let him guide you. One reason why we get into so much turmoil in our own lives, is because we try to do it our way. Trust me, I know and it didn't work out good for me. When I finally broke and prayed and let him lead, man, God opened the gates of Heaven and rained down his blessing. 

This is why I say you can't always "follow your heart" . Our hearts can want so many things, but if it is not Gods will for your life, you're not going to do it or have it. Praying and seeking God's will for your life is the best way to gain so much wisdom. You're life is not going ao great right now? PRAY. You need to know what to do about making changes in your life or for the well being of your family PRAY. You want to better yourself or have better finances? PRAY. Not sure of relationships or if a person is right for you? GOOD HEAVENS YOU BETTER PRAY. God hears even small little concerns like a stay at home mom needing to plan her day with children in tow, how to shop wisely for groceries to get the most for your finances, how to plan your day so the home runs smoother, how to pay the bills and when? etc. 

No circumstances too small or too big for God not to hear your concerns or ideas.

When you get to talk to your girls and they sing songs to you that they have learned in school, and walk you around the yard showing you bugs and wild strawberries and that they "rustled" with Finn and they won. These girls are a hoot.

This thought has weighed heavily on my heart this week:

We have become a society that justifies the sins we want to commit by offering excuses or scapegoats. I get tired of hearing things like, "lighten up!" "times have changed, its time to change with them", "embrace the change", "follow your heart," and all the other false, misleading, immoral advice circling around. The Bible is full of scriptures telling us to withstand the wiles of the Devil, fight the good fight, stand firm, speak up for all that is holy. If we weren't meant to do this, then God would not have equipped us with all the Armor we will ever need. The helmet of Salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith. Stand Firm. 

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