
Friday, September 16, 2022

Holiday Tip


I am not one to start decorating or anything before Halloween but I do have a valuable tip. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL 2 WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS TO START CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Instead, you can start now putting aside a little money each paycheck and save it for Christmas. Or, starting now, you can buy one or two gifts a a paycheck and before you know it, you will have all your shopping done. A better idea, starting in January of next year, put back money each paycheck. Over a years time, you will have what you need for Christmas shopping. I know people love to wait until Black Friday to do their shopping, and think they are getting amazing deals. In all honesty, if you shop sales through out the year, you will get good sales. Sometimes, they mark up things and then put it on special so you will think it is a great deal. Compare sale prices through the year to Black Friday Specials sometimes. You'll see. 

 Stress robs people from enjoying the holidays. Don't let it rob you.

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