
Monday, July 4, 2022

We Got Our Soldier


I got the chance to come home and Dakota and the girls came and ate with us. He actually grilled some steaks for us. 

The next morning, me and Brylee set out on an adventure. We headed to MO to pick up our soldier.  We were making good timing and we actually had some time to kill. We kept seeing signs for and Wildlife Adventure park so we said, Why Not? We had so much fun because we got to pet some Lemurs. IT WAS SO COOL

We made it to the hotel, checked in, found something to eat and even got in a little swimming. Then we got up the next  morning, got ready and drove to the base.  We were told where to meet them and pick them up for Family day. He did not want to do much but just go back to hotel and just rest. He was so exhausted. They had been up since 3am. 

It was time to take him back to the base and drop him off until graduation time the next morning. Then we got up and got ready and headed for the base again for AIT graduation. 

He took us to the PX when it was over and I got to pick out some souveniers.  We got back to hotel and relaxed and swam some. 

The next day it was time to drive home. Dad was so proud to see him. Dad had to finish out the rest of the work week and could not make the graduation this time. Dallas said he was ok with it as long as he was there for the 4th. 

We got to celebrate the 4th with my momma and daddy coming that morning. They could not stay for all the night time festivities because they have trouble seeing at night. 

We had to add the Army flag to our pole. 

And of course me and my little buddies have to bake some treats for the 4th. I let them decorate them all by themselves. We got every thing ready for that evening. We just had to keep it simple because we all literally just got home the day before and were exhausted and didn't have time to cook. 

At dark, we moved outside and watched as they shot our fireworks. I think Dallas enjoyed his coming home party. 

We let the girls spend the night with us. They loved a set of their pjs I made for them. The next morning I had take them home because they were going to get ready to go on an outing with daddy, bonus mom and some friends.

We found out later that Dallas had proposed to Brylee and of course she said yes. So we will have an addition to our family. She already has been, just legally now. They have so many options for their future to start out with that they have alot to discuss and work out and plan. I am so excited for them. We went through the exact same thing when we were younger. It brings back alot of memories. 

I will be here the next few days helping Dallas get some things taken care of. They are going to be staying at Nannys house for a little bit until they figure out their next move.He has to check in with his recruiter to get his schedule for his weekend training every month. If you will remember he is reserves for right now while she is taking her college classes. 

 We still have alot of cleaning up and packing up to do at her house but we are getting there. It was hard for dear hubby to walk into his momma house again after so long. This will give these kids some time to learn how this thing called adulting works. They will do just fine. 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful weekend you had! I remember when our son graduated, he also was so tired and just wanted to rest! Glad you had the time together. Hooray on the proposal!
