
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Fathers Day

  I want to take this time to say happy fathers day to my heavenly father. I thank him for his hand of protection of times when I was in danger and didn't realize it and in my youth when I stupidly put myself in danger and didn't care. For his provision when we didn't have much growing up and my self esteem when people laughed and made fun of us for not having much. For his mercy when so many times I just screw up and he still loves me and forgives me. Mostly for his forgiveness. I'm so thankful I can not "loose" him because I am in his hands and he holds me. For his love and grace. I have do not deserve any blessings but I guess he thought i did. He got me to where I am today. He has truly blessed me more than I could ever ask. Thank you Father.

To the first man who showed me what a husband and father was. He doesn't realize how much I learned sitting at his feet. He taught his kids about life and God. He loved my grandmother with a passion. He served his country, his family and his Savior. Happy Heavenly Father's Day PaPa. 💙

I am so thankful that this man is our boys and grandchildrens Father and Poppie. Words cannot express the gratitude I have for this man always putting his family first and being the provider of our home. Our boys never had to worry about anything or need for anything. The only thing they had to worry about was what dad was going to so to them when they got in trouble. And even then, dad wasn't the bad guy. Dad has always been there even if he wasn't physically there. He hardly ever missed anything important because he would drive for hours getting to where he needed to be for them. I'm thankful they have a father that has tried to teach them right from wrong and to not make mistakes like we did. He's always wanted his kids to be better and do better. I'm glad our boys always had someone to give them the attention they needed. Sometimes I couldn't tell who the kid was, him or the boys. He played games with them, tractors, truck and horses, hot wheels, army guys, and their all time favorite, wrestling to which they still do occasionally. 

And then there's our grandchildren. Lord knows he loves his girls. Oh my does he love his Princesses. They love their Poppie with all their little hearts. 

We hope you have a wonderful Father's day. We love you.

Happy Father's Day to a man who took me in and treated me as his own. In the beginning I didn't treat him well because I didn't know what a father was suppose to be like or was. But this man showed me what a Father's love was. Happy Father's Day Daddy and Poppa. We love you.

Happy Father's Day to this guy. He has always been the provider for his family and hes always done a good job. He comes through for them and always has. He is putting to use all he has learned and watched all his life and he is doing a great job. These girls know how beautiful they are because daddy always tells them and he also toughens them up a little so they know how to take care of themselves. He worries for their well being in his own way and has his own stresses but you'd never know it. There's nothing like Daddys girls. Happy Father's Day Son. We love you and you are doing a great job.


  1. This is a nice tribute to all the Dads in your life. We are blessed!

  2. Thanks so much and tell your husband Happy Father's Day too.
