
Thursday, May 26, 2022

My Newest Adventure

 Well, work called us to LA. 

 Yep, dear hubby still has to work, but this time it's in Louisiana.  I have never been but I am now. 

Our dandy handy man is overseeing things at home along with our son and neighbor. 

The first day I had a chance, I got out to do a little look see on the grounds where we are staying. We are staying at a Plantation. It has been a little slow here since 2020 hit just like everything else. They started back up and have hosted weddings and even a veteran funeral the week before we got here. They said the veteran was a decorated war veteran in the USMC. There were Marines galore here and law enforement along with tons of family and friends. They said it was a good thing we weren't here because there was no parking and you couldn't get out once you got in. There has been two weedings here since we got here. I got out and walked the grounds and just made a few funny photos too. 

This is our cottage with my own personal welcome guests.They were renovating the cottages when Covid hit and had to put a hault on things. They along with others all over the US is having trouble finding people who want to work. They have had several workers come and stay for months of work on the rail road out here. When they all cleared out, they somewhat cleaned, but not like I clean, like deep clean. So......I spent the first week DEEP CLEANING like I clean. I made it like home away from home as much as possible. My dear sweetheart loves it when I do that. He said he's getting use to all this. All these years of traveling by himself and just making do. Now, it's my turn to spoil him. 
Our greeters roam the grounds freely and they are well taken care of. A flock was born before we got here. This one dude is so handsome. He hangs out more at our cottage than any of the others. I think he has a crush on me. He calls out for me alot to come out of the cottage. lol. He comes up on the porch and sometimes peeks in the window. He has here lately brought some of his family. lol.

Yep I have him eating out of my hands, literally. 

We've had a few storms here that I knew was going to head toward home. And we were correct, the next day, a storm hit home and Dakota was called out on some calls from the storm of power outages. 

I keep the same thing going just as I would as if I were home. I meal plan and enjoy my housekeeping in our little cottage. 

Here is just a few family updates: 

We have finally found the piece of  granite that we like to have our counter tops cut out of. That has been our hold up this whole time. Dear hubby has a good eye and he was not satisfies until he found "the one".  It will take two weeks from cut to final installation. Then we can move on to the next stage which will be upper cabinets and back splash. I don't have an updated picture of our rock wall on our island. 

Our girsl, well, future daughter in laws, have passed their board exams except Jordan has her nation wide board exam to pass and she is a nervous wreck. Brylee passed her phylembotomy exam and is certified now. She will use this in her vet tech program next. However, she can always use this as back up in any medical field if she travels with Dallas when he gets permanently stationed somewhere when he goes active. These are things they have been talking over and planning. Dallas does not have much longer. It will be me and Brylee going to his next graduation.  Dad can only choose when he takes off work again and Dallas wants him there for our big 4th of July event we have every year. We are going to turn it into a home coming for Dallas too. He gets his phone on weekends which makes it much more pleasurable even though he still is homesick. He has been gone since February.   He has had a few rough weeks with tests everyday. It has been mentally exhausting but this momma has been praying everyday. He will be fine

 Speaking of praying, our little Atleigh will be starting Kindergarten in August.  Where has the time gone? Seems like yesterday I was driving them home from the hospital.  They have got her all registered. I can't even begin to explain how my heart feels about this.  

Well, I have laundry I need to go check on. I have a new video up on our channel. 

  1. Keeper of the Home at 4D Farms

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice that you can go along. I can understand that having you along and making the place feel like home is such a blessing to your hubby.
    The peacocks are so pretty.
    Those kids grow too fast!
