
Sunday, April 3, 2022

Busy Busy Busy

 Good Sunday Morning to everybody. Boy, this has been a busy few weeks. I started some more projects for my little buddies. I have been working everyday on them. As soon as they are completed, I will show them to you. I don't want to spoil it. If you sew, you know by looking what they might be. Then Hobby Lobby is going to break my budget. LOL. I can see some hair bows in my future too. I have been watching some videos of hair bow making and let me say, they are going to have a bunch. Hobby Lobby was running a sale on ribbons, trims and tulles and I picked up some. That is where I got the unicorn and rainbow ribbon. Believe it or not, the smaller ones came from the Dollar Tree. I have notions already to complete the bows. I also have scraps of material to make them some hair scrunchies. 

Our kitchen is a mess but coming together. The cabinets were delivered and we had to inspect them before we brought them into the house, The delivery guys didn't like that too much but you know what? I know orders can get messed up and things can get broken and we were not going to let them "dump and go" in case something was wrong. So they had to watch. 
Right now they are just placed in the kitchen, not set. We need to shift around and such. We were just so tired for the day we just stopped. 

We have been picking out counter tops and boy, there has been so much to choose from it is hard to make up our minds. We have changed our minds three times already. Just as we have light fixtures and such. lol. 

Our new door is in. We will be changing the handles and locks because we didn't like the way it turned out. We have someone coming to fix up the outside just a little. Further down on our project list is an extended, covered, front porch. One project at a time. The camera doesn't do it justice. 

Our flooring came together great. Like I said, the camera doesn't do it justice. I will try to get better pics some day. The sun has alot to do with the view. 

We finally received some mail from Dallas. He is getting all of our mail thank goodness. He is having a blast but getting so exhausted. This week he will be going through the Anvil and will be testing on everything. Then the next week is the Forge. It is the hardest. These are some pics the Facebook Group posted for us parents. It is still so hard to tell who is who unless you get a good face profile. Alot of these are his buddies. These are just to show you what all he has done. He is in very good spirits. We only have two and a half weeks left until we get to see him. 

I have some new videos up on our channel, be sure to go check them out. 

Well, I have my projects to get back to and try to finish. It is Sunday and be sure to count your blessings today because we sure do not deserve anything he has given us. God has blessings for us, but we better be sure we live like we deserve them or earned them. I hope everyone has a blessed day in the Lord. 

1 comment:

  1. Your kitchen is going to be beautiful! And just think what you'll whip up in it!
    Hooray for hearing from Dallas.
