
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

All Things Wonderful

 I left you last by telling you that our little Caroline was going to have tubes put in her ears and her adenoids taken out. The morning came of her surgery and you can plainly see that she was not happy about it. Later, they had to start giving her the "happy" medicine. She was being so goofy. Afterwards, on the way home, mommy let me facetime her and she was so groggy and talking off the wall. She was going to go get ice cream. 

Lolly, her other grandmother finally got around to trimming her hair. She looks so grown up. She had to take off quite a bit due to sissy cutting her hair. 

They are having so much fun with their Uncle Finn and Lolly. 

I am still playing around with the air fryer and instant pot. Bruscetta tastes really good in the air fryer. I did purchase a whole rotisserie chicken from Kroger and paired it with some fresh cut up vegetables that I sauteed in the instant pot. It turned out delicious. 

I am so excited. I have had this sewing embroidery combination machine for 5 years and have been so intimidated to even learn the embroidery part. I don't know why. So, I contacted a lady at a quilting shop and she offers private classes. So.......She worked with me for 4 hrs and taught me how to use my machine and features. I still need to learn how the computer part of it works. I've got to learn how to transfer images to the machine from computer. We played around a little and I honestly don't know why I was so scared. Then, on the way back, I found another sewing shop and  she offers private classes too. I have a serger that is 25 years old and have never used all the features on it. Well, I have set up another private class and she will teach me how to use all the features on it and come up with cool projects. I don't know why it has taken me all these years to do this. I've missed out on alot of things that I could have been doing. Oh well, looks like I'm fixing to catch up. 

Our kitchen is coming along. Everything is stripped out. Paint is going on the walls and flooring is being put down. There are more pics but they are on dear hubbys phone so I need to get him to send them to my phone so I can post them next time. 

I might get into trouble, but I can't stand it any longer.  I just have to share a few photos with ya'll. He finally got to call home. He chose to call Brylee, (his girl) but that is just fine with me. Not even upset or envious. We are all just glad to hear from him and know that he is ok and doing well. He is having fun actually. This is all right up his alley and what he enjoys doing anyway. The mail situation is not so good. He has only received one letter and it is from dad. We have all wrote at least 3 letters a piece and he has only gotten one. ONE!!!!! We haven't gotten any letters from him as of yet. There are so many parents in the support group that are upset just as much as  we are. At least we know he is ok and doing better than we were thinking. I can rest more easy now. It is getting about time for us to book or reservations for hotel for graduation. I cannot wait to see him and hear all his stories. 

I have uploaded one or two new videos since I have last posted. 
Hope you enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! I really like the haircut.
    I keep hearing more about airfryers. One of these days we'll get one.
    So glad you got those photos and to hear from your son.
