
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Making the Most of My Time

A few posts ago, I showed ya'll the ponchos I was making for the granddaughters. Well, I have been putting my time to use and I got another set made. This is my set. I brought plenty of projects out here to do to keep me busy. I'm going to make some things and then I have some hemming and projects to do. I'll keep you updated and show you. This sure does help pass the time on rainy days, and I don't feel like going out any where. Also, it saves me money. Every time I go out to run errands, I wind up seeing things I want and then I buy them. I bought a little wrist wallet and a blouse the other day. This is not going to help our kitchen renovation budget that's for sure. So, it's better for me to just stay busy. 😂

I wanted to be up front and honest with the hotel manager and let her know I had an air fryer and  instant pot in the room. She doesn't have a problem with it. As long as I don't leave the room while they are on and running. I feel so much better knowing I have her permission. I made dear hubbys favorite. Sloppy Joe pies. I use Pillsbury Flaky Layer biscuits (again, his favorite). The instant pot is great for using like a frying pan on the saute' mode. Then I popped them into the air fryer. 


This morning I made a grilled cheese in the air fryer. 

Dallas, Company has a few Facebook group pages that we follow and they post pictures frequently. We have been able to spot him in a few pictures and I get so excited to see him. However, I can't post any on any social media or blog platform right now due to security reasons. Just know it makes this mommas heart glad. We have been sending him letters frequently. I know he is so busy and so tired sometimes, so I'm not worried or upset if it takes him a while to write back. 

I put up two new videos on my YouTube channel. One is making my homemade cinnamon rolls:How I Make My Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Well, it is another rainy day here, and we have been getting tons of rain back home. It has rained for 4 days on and off with a few thunderstorms on and off. I guess God is getting the ground ready for people to start putting in those gardens. I cannot wait until March 13th when the time changes. 
Looks like it's a messy bun, comfy pant wearing kind of day. 


  1. I don't have an air fryer and didn't know you could do grilled cheese with them.
    I remember when our son joined the army and checking all those pics so closely for him. I understand your excitement!
    I'll be checking your videos.

  2. Thanks. The grilled cheese was wonderful. I like to watch videos on YouTube with air fryer and instant pot because I like to follow along with them.
