
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Still Here Still Learning

 Yes, I am still here. I have just been pouring myself into my computer and reading. I have been teaching myself how to use IMovie to edit videos and I'm almost there. I was going to purchase a videography class online and watch it, but I have found helpful videos on YouTube that have helped me get the basics. I had to record a practice clip so I could just play around with it. I did that last night. So today I'm gonna branch out and test the waters. I have been trying to create some images for my intro and outro to my videos. I didn't know how time consuming all this was. But this is what I wanted to do so we are on this road. 

We are so ready to get out of here and get back home.  Each day, dear hubby will come home    and say, "Do you want the good news or bad news first?" They keep extending his release date. Now they have cut us very close to Thanksgiving. Y'all this is the time of the week that I have all my baking and cooking almost done for 2 households. AND I'M STILL HERE!!!!!! I am freaking out. We are heading out WEDNESDAY the day before Thanksgiving. 😠 There is no way I'm calling off our Thanksgiving and not feeding my family....

 So....... I was scrolling through FaceBook and saw an advertisement from our local grocery store for Deluxe Thanksgiving meals to preorder. So guess what I did. Yep, I placed and order for our dinner. I was so excited. I have got to make this Thanksgiving just as special since this is the first one without his mother. You see, every year, we cook big meals and the whole family gathered at her house. We had a feast. Got to spend time with all his relatives. Same at Christmas. This was her two biggest holidays she loved the most.  Not to mention, in November is his deceased sister and Grandmothers bday. He is having a hard time the past month trying to move forward. It is just so different this year. He is having a hard time dealing with it, and so is our boys. I told him we had to keep going. This is all our boys have known, just like you all your life. I have to make this special. I will pick the dinner up on Thanksgiving day and will add more to it. Our guys always go hunting the morning of and the morning of Good Friday. I guess its a southern thing. It's expected. Maybe when he comes in from hunting he will be better. 

He came home from work yesterday and told me that they asked him could he stay longer. Well, this time he said, "NO, MY WIFE WILL KILL ME." and he is right and I will probably go after them too. I am so ready to see our girls too. My dear hubby is even relieving one of my anxieties for me and having my house cleaned two days before so I don't have to rush in and do it when we get home.  I am so relieved. 

I finished my book by Mrs. Sharon White and was sad. I loved it so much, I ordered some more of hers and they are awaiting me when I get home. In the mean time, I brought this one with me and I will finish it first. It is very good too. As you can see, I love anything to do with The Proverbs 31 Woman. She is my idol. 

 I also brought this little devotion book with me and I am enjoying it as well. 

 Dear Hubby has not complained about one thing I have cooked while I have been out here but one night he saw this on Pintrest and wanted to try it. It turned out delicious. It is Frito Pie or Frito Casserole. There is so many versions, just pick the one you like. 

Well, I have more classes to watch if I'm ever gonna learn this YouTube stuff. So I'm off but nap first. I will be so glad to get home and sleep past 4am. Except for when we go hunting. Y'all have a blessed day. 

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