
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

More Praying Than Work


 This week has been more about praying with some working and reading mixed in to help keep me mentally sane. Satan has been attacking my family and I have cried out to God so many times on their behalf. It has not been easy. I have cried, vented, and pleaded with God that I am just mentally drained this week. We are close to the end of this job here and will be headed home soon, but I do not want to go home to chaos. I have my momma as my trusted prayer warrior and right now she is the only one keeping my head on straight. She reminded me that she was in my shoes a long time ago with me. (She just had to remind me of that).  I have not always been the perfect child and never claimed to be. I became prodical at one time. She prayed me all the way home. Back on the right path. The baby and kid stage is so much easier. When your kids get grown and gone, that's when your knees hit the floor more. I just have to keep praying. I have to tell myself that God gave these boys to me for a reason. He hand picked me to be their mother, leader, teacher, counselor and disciplinarian. I don't know if it's till working or not, but I guess one day we will see. 

I can't express enough how much I am enjoying this wonderful woman's writing. This book has taken me back in time to old days of Homemaking. I absolutely love it. It's not a teaching book or anything like that, it's just writings of hers that she shares episodes, memories and thoughts in her own life. But they just reach out to me. When feminism hit in the 1970's it changed alot of home lifestyles. Old fashioned homemaking became a lost art in some homes. I am so thankful there are still people out there that still loves the old ways. I will be purchasing more of her books. I already receive newsletters from her blog and enjoy them too. 

Dear hubby and I had date night a few nights ago and went out to eat. I came out her with the intentions of loosing weight and I'll be dog gone if I haven't put on a few pounds. I guess it's because I am just doing my own thing out here and relaxing. Maybe a little too much. I'm not chasing after energetic little children, and catering to them all day everyday. I do miss my little buddies and can't wait to see them and just squeeze the tater out of them when we get home. I see alot of playdates and sleep overs ahead. I was in Walmart yesterday and I heard a small child crying and my hormones just did a flip flop and my heart started beating so fast. I think I'm homesick. Now I know how dear hubby feels when he does this all the time. 

My momma is still recovering from surgery very good. She just hates wearing the sling she has to wear. She is having to learn to do alot with one hand and arm. She gets frustrated sometimes but she will overcome. She starts physical therapy at the end of this month. She was so hoping it would have been sooner. 

I have been working alot more on my vidoes. I have had to go through 19 videos with anywhere from 3 to 17 clips in each video. I've had to see what needs to be taken out and name all the clips to know what part goes with what video. I will try to find a different way to record next time. I can't find a pause button on my camera which causes clips. Then you have to piece your video together. Phew. On my phone there is a pause button. That makes it easier. It will be one one video with no interruptions. If that makes sense. These are all videos from two years ago from our last gardening season. I wanted to do videos then because I was pondering the idea of starting something. I didn't care if it was classes or what. I had several people reaching out to me wanting to know how I did things. Friends in CO, TX, LA, CA etc. It's alot of work emailing every one and such, so I finally just decided that recording would be a great idea. I could reach everyone all at once. So, hence, my YouTube channel. I am trying to teach myself some things but I think I'm going to have to require help from some computer goorooh. I went and purchased me some video gadgets that I didn't have for my computer to help with YouTube videos. I have got to figure them out too. All in time. I'm trying to learn how to create an introduction for our channel and a closing for after the end of every video. By the time I do learn more I will be able to put up about 19 videos. I am so excited. Its a learning process that's for sure. 

Well, I am off. I woke up way too early this morning and the coffee has not kicked in yet. Maybe a shower will help wake me up. I have more work to do. One thing is for sure. Being out here, I have been able to get work done that I could never have gotten  done at home. lol

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