
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Working On My Blogs

 I have had the time to sit down and do some work on my blogs. Yes, I have two. I started one years ago on WordPress but get a little aggravated at it. They want me to pay for extra storage. Uh, no. So I created my blog here at Blogger too. 

I keep mine going at WordPress but I don't upload anything.  I have too many subscribers there and don't want to loose them. 

If you blog there too you can subscribe there also. It's

I am working really hard on two new pages. They are Marriage and Parenting. I have been working on them for three years. 

These two subjects in life is what I am most passionate about second to Loving Jesus. 

Just a little work for today. 

One day I will have them finished. 


  1. I doubt I'd be able to keep up with 2 blogs. Had a hard enough time transitioning from one to another. And I'm sure I probably did lose a few subscriber. Reading this reminds me I need to get another page made for my blog as well. Hope you are having a happy Wednesday!

  2. Thank you. I usually post on one blog and then copy and paste to the other. Makes it simple.
