
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Another Video and Random Tidbits

 Well Hey, Ya'll. Just another day. I have to tell ya'll what I did. I made another video and uploaded it to YouTube. Somehow the other night while we were watching TV, my mind wondered to cinnamon rolls, yea, that's how my mind works sometimes. But I was wondering how I was going to make them out here since I didn't have  my mixer and all my goodies like my flours, yeast, etc. So dear hubby said he thought he saw something on Facebook or Pinterest of making them using canned biscuits. So, we were so curious we had to check it out. We watched the video and we were impressed. Enough so much that I had to go get me some biscuits the next day. LOL I experimented and made them and I am so glad I did. They were so yummy. I will try to link the video and see if you can pull it up and go watch it. If for some reason the link does not work, just go to YouTube and search our channel, Keeper of the Home at 4D farms. Then search through our videos until you find the one on How To Make Cinnamon Rolls With Canned Biscuits. I will also walk you through it here on my post. 

Our Video How To Make Cinnamon Rolls With Canned Biscuits

1- I opened the canned biscuits on a cutting board or counter if you want to do it that way and floured the surface just a little to keep them from sticking to the rolling thingie I was using. Normally it would be a rolling pin but she didn't have one so I improvised, I used a water bottle. I floured it too so it would't stick to the biscuits. 
2- I rolled out each biscuit flat.
3- Now take each biscuit and line them up 4 on bottom row, 4 on top row to form some what of a rectangle. 
4- Roll them out to where you are getting a better rectangle and pinch any seams together and just keep working with it. 5- slather your butter. I love alot of butter. lol

Sorry, about number 6. That was the pic of me smiling somewhat. 
7- sprinkle brown sugar
8- sprinkle cinnamon
9-roll into a log starting at the bottom and work upward pinching any seams and closing it up. 
10- keep shaping it and make sure it is closed up.11- cut out how many slices you want. 12- just look at that swirl. I love it. That was pic worthy. 

13- place into a greased baking dish or cookie sheet whatever you have. 14- look how awesome.15- place in a preheated oven, usually any where from 325-400 degrees. Depending on your prefrance and your oven.  I eyeball mine and bake until golden brown. 16- remove from oven 17- I spread my frosting as soon as I take them out while they are still warm. I like  mine to get ooey and gooey. I'll share my recipe in a minute. 18-and of course, I had to taste test those babies. 

Whoah Nellie!!!! They were delicious. Lip smacking, and finger licking good 

 Since dear  hubby is borderline diabetic, we can't do all the sugars. So instead of using white sugar as part of the filling, I used brown sugar. M frosting is a cream cheese frosting. I used room temperature cream cheese, add a splash of vanilla flavoring, and I substituted Stevia (or any sugar substitute) instead of powdered sugar. And just enough milk to make it a sour cream consistency. I like mine a little thick because if it is too runny it will not stick to the biscuits as well. There are so many things you can do to alter this and make it healthier and different flavors. For a sweetner you can add honey, syrup like Maple, and they even have a sugar free syrup now. If you don't like cinnamon, you can use pumpkin spice etc. I even thought of the idea of adding a little peanut butter for flavor. I might play with them next and come up with a fall version. All I know is the kitchen smelled amazing. 

I hope you like the video too. If you do, hit like and leave me a comment, especially if you go and try these. Let me know if you did anything any different and how they turned out. 

I had to make dear hubby some more egg bites for breakfast. Some of the guys at his work are a little envious that there wives are not with them. He took one of his coworkers some one day. He was curious as to what they were so dear hubby shared them. Isn't he sweet. 

And one more thing I am extremely excited about, I got our Marriage Page up and published here on our blog. a three year long process. Just go to to the header bar at the top and clink on Marriage and it will take you there. I am in the process of working on our Parenting Page now. It has been in the making for three yrs also. I am determined to get it done while I am out here. 

Got to to talk to our little buddies again and we played with the filters on the phone. They are too funny. They are missing us more and more and begging us to come home. I sent them a care package and that helped them a little. Tomorrow, I am going to find our girls some hunting gear. When we get home we are going to take them practice hunting to see how they do. If they like it ok, if not, ok. You go with their lead. 


  1. Fun pics! I'll check out the video in a bit. The cinnamon rolls sound good!

  2. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed 😉
