
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Summer Has Flown By

 Summer has flown by and I feel like I didn't get to do anything I wanted to do with dear hubby or girls or any family. Gonna have to catch up. School has started back and things want be so crowded. So maybe I can plan some things. We had alot of plans for this summer but it has been hard for dear hubby.  He has been back and forth to the hospital and nursing home with his sister. And about that. I haven't been truly honest so I need to clarify something. You see his sister is really his birth Mother. I can't go into alot of details because it's not my story to tell. It is my husband's. His Grandmother adopted him when he was 18 mths old and changed his name. He refers to her as his Momma as it should be. She is also the one we called Nanny.  He was always taught to have respect for his birth mother. She was more less raised as his sister. He was doted on and taken very good care of when he was a baby. His brothers and sisters is really his birth aunts and Uncles but in his heart they are brothers and sisters. He does  have a half brother by his birth mother. 

 We both had rough childhoods growing up and we had to deal with our own emotions of bitterness. Like I said, it is not my story to tell. Someday maybe we will. We are older and it still never gets any easier. 

With all that being said, we lost his birth mother last week. Sorry I am just now posting this. He and his sister were called unexpectedly to the nursing home to just an hour later she passed. The next day they met at the funeral home and made all the arrangements.  I am in awe of my husband's compassion every day. ❤ He is a very special man. 

We had the visitation and funeral the next day. He saw everything to til the very end. This was a little hard on Dallas our youngest because he and Grandmother ( this is what we called her) because for the past 6 yrs they got pretty close. Atleigh is beginning to understand some things. She has said plenty of times that she just wants Nanny and Grandmother. She went to look at her in the coffin so many times and asked so many questions. I try to explain the best I can. She still says this everyday.  Bless her. I have always loved this pic of Grandmother.  It was in her younger days. 

The few days following, he took care of alot of her affairs. He was so exhausted from the past few weeks, well really few months. Add to that the fact that the passing of his momma is still fresh since we lost her in January. He just needs some emotional peace. 😒

Time came for him to go back to work.  No one was looking forward to that. 

I had a few days that I didn't have the girls so I got to run some errands and got back to scrubbing my house. I got a little lazy and lost focus for a few weeks.  

Today the girls came early this morning.  Since school has started I figured ours could too. 

Gmaws Preschool Academy:

First is self care. Nothing like putting on your makeup with your bestie. Well, one is interested in self care. The other is bouncing around on her horse in a pull up and messy bun. Can't even get her to put clothes on. πŸ™„

Then teaching a little paint time for Art.

They must have gotten in bed late because today they are full of tired sighs. 😫  They are a little quieter and just  barely making it through activities. I think it's just gonna be a slow play day. Sometimes you go by their lead. 

It was time for lunch. I love making healthy lunches. 

Yes my floor looks like this alot if not worse,  but they have fun here. πŸ˜„

After nap snack. 

So, I tried to make up a song while we were riding. I started out,  "Ranger riding buddies..." Atleigh corrected me real quick and said, "Ranger riding Princess buddies!" Excuse me. πŸ˜…πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘πŸ’„

So....we love rodeos and trick riding.  The girls like to watch it on TV. So here is where we are. ❤❤❤❤

Well, Dakota (Daddy) came to pick them up. They were headed to go see the cows πŸ„.  They will be back first thing in the morning.  

I fixed me and Dallas some supper.  Salmon in the air fryer. And some sauted squash and onions. 

The rest of the night is just me time. Some reading and watching some vlogs on TV that I'm behind on. 

Good night all. 😴


  1. Aww - I'm so sorry for all you have been going through. It's hard at any time but with the added history, it adds even more. You are blessed with a great guy.

  2. I sure am. I dont know what I did to deserve him. Thank you.
