
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Great Books

 I have been in a good book lately to study. I love anything to do with Proverbs 31 Woman. This has been great. 

This is an old book and my second time going through it. 

Ok guys, this is for y'all.  Women aren't the only ones who can benefit from reading a good "help" book. We can sit here and read, learn and implement all day long, but y'all can benefit from doing your part too. It's not just the woman's place to cultivate the marriage or any area. So, here's a few for ya then grab your Bibles to go with it. Do your part. This thing is 100-100 if you want it to be great. ❤❤❤❤❤

Today has just been a relaxing day. The girls got here this morning and we went to church. Atleigh finally got the courage to go to children's church but Caroline was 50/50. She went first, then they brought her back out then she wanted to go back a second then back out. Maybe next time. She saw how much she missed out on when sissy came out with a sucker. ☺

Btw: I found every one of these books on Amazon.  You can find some used ones in good condition.  There are study guides to go along with them. 

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