
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Great Birthday Week

 When your sweetheart makes you an immaculate dinner for your bday. Biscuits, pork chops, cajun sausage,  shrimp, and crab cakes.

You know the ole saying,  "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach?" Well, that would be me. Yep, me. Me Me Me. πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ™‹‍♀️πŸ™‹‍♀️thank you sweetheart.

The next day, Me, dear hubby and Dallas went to a place I've been wanting to go to for a long time. It is a restaurant hewn out of a cliff in AL.   It is called Rattlesnake Saloon. 

Oh, Look, it's Jimmi Hendrix. Can I have your autograph?

The next day, me and my Momma met my sisters in AL  for a much needed HOME trip. 

It's so nice to go back home every once in a while. AL calls my name. We got the chance to have a picnic with MaMa and PaPa. MaMa was a picnic packing queen. She always fried chicken, packed corn on the cob, potato salad, watermelon, fried apple pies and tea. Oh, and her famous cookies. Well, we had her cookies today. 

It felt nice to clean and decorate. It's been a long time. 

We rode around to some old childhood homes. So many memories. We had many pictures on that front porch.  It was a relief to know that the couple who lives there now are children of a couple that were friends with MaMa and PaPa. 

We got a chance to tell alot of stories. 

The church where PaPa use to pastor holds alot of memories of many years of  VBS in the basement where MaMa taught classes. The study beside a child hood home that PaPa use to use to study for his sermons. 

It was a very good day of just reminiscing.

Then it was Buckin' On The River with my favorite cowboys and cowgirls. The girls really enjoyed the girls barrel racing.  8 yr old little girl sang the National Anthem.  The youngest competitor was 11 yrs old from GA.  The girls thought mommy might have been with the ambulance crew. They were kind of disappointed that she was not one of them.  But all in all it was good. Saw and cheered for some cousins who competed. 

So......this barn and horses is 20 yrs old. They were Dakotas. Then Dallas played with them. Now it's their turn. ❤❤πŸ΄πŸ΄πŸ‚πŸ‚πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I have a new maid. Meet Hazel. It is so neat to turn this baby on and sit down and watch a movie with my sweetheart. I snatched it up when it was half off on Amazon Prime Day. 

I sat one day and sewed Atleigh some cases for her electronics. 

So yesterday, I had a copy cat. She said she has to look beautiful for Poppie. Girl don't even know she is already beautiful in God's eyes. But she was still excited to look and smell nice.

Inspecting dirt on Gmaws floor, oh wait, that's a sprinkle. 

I bought these books around 10 or so years ago. I'm going through it again. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Let's just say, after just the first chapter, I have a whole lot of work to do. ❤

This is the face I got after I gave her Poppie a kiss. 

Caroline thought after nap time today, it was time for her stuffed animals to take a nap.

Yesterday me and scrappie butted heads all day. But when she hugs you in her own time and mood, it all goes away. ❤❤

I don't know if I have updated everyone or not but dear hubby's sister is not doing good.  She wound up in ICU for a week with a tear in her lung and fluid built up so bad she was swollen and unrecognizable.  They got the fluid out and kept her in there a few days longer to observe her. She was on the mend so they asked to transfer her to a nursing home for rehab. The nursing home we requested was one that his other sister use to be the administrator of. She knows everyone and trusts them. They got her there and settled. However, she has done nothing but sleep and is not eating hardly anything. They can't start rehab with her like this. We have got to talk to the nurses and her Dr. 

Hopefully we can get her established.  It is a family affair and she still has to make her own decisions and let her family know her wishes. 

As for now, it's nap time. 😴 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! Loooks like you had a great day. The time with family visiting all the old places would be fun too. Those grandgirls are very cute!
    Sorry your SIL is having such a hard time.
