
Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday 2021

Sorry I have been out of the loop lately. I got so busy some days I would just forget to blog. 🙄 That can happen to the best of us. We have been doing school, playing games, having sleepovers, baking, you name it. 
We had a sleep over one night and watched movies 🎥 and ate popcorn 🍿.  

We woke up the next morning and they scrunched Doritos in my ear. Well, they were left over from the 
day before and Caroline found hers. 

One day I had to run some errands and we stopped and grabbed some supper. Daddy was on call and mommy was at work. These little caddys from the Dollar Tree for a $1 makes traveling and eating with toddlers a whole lot easier. 

I know I say alot that Caroline loves to pick on me and make scowly faces, but this is proof that she really does love me and she said I was her best friend. Of course the one in the back was getting a little jealous. 

We have been dodging storms left and right. We have had two separate storms come through our area.  One night it was really bad last week and we are just now getting back to normal.  I got an alert on my phone around 11:30 pm and I was sound asleep. It said persons in our area seek shelter immediately.  I got up and threw some clothes on.  At the same time, Dakota called and said he and the girls were headed to our house. They got here and the local tower sirens 🚨 were going off and I opened the back door for them.  Dakota was running with Atleigh who was scared to death since they had to jerk them out of bed, and Jossie was running in with Caroline.  Jossies anxiety was through the roof and she was shaking like a leaf. They get inside and we all get settled. Then we heard that there was rotation in a city and it was headed our way. Dakota grabbed blankets, pillows and one of the girls air mattresses and threw them into the closet and shoved us in there and told us to stay there. He was watching everything. We were all scared but praying. Talk about a prayer closet. Whatever it was we got the tail end of it and we heard a swoosh sound for about 5 minutes then it was gone. By this time it was around 1am and Dakota got a call to come into work.  Power lines were down and trees were down everywhere.  Dakota  took Jossie to get her car and she came right back because she was not going back home all by herself. She was too scared. So I got the girls in bed and settled down as best as I could. It was still pouring down rain 🌧 and thundering ⛈and lightning ⛈.  Atleigh was so scared. I had to close all the blinds and drown out the noise or she wasn't going to sleep. Finally around 2am we were all settled and dozing off. Jossie had to get up and go to work. Dakota was out all  night 🌙 all the next day until 5 or 6 pm. They rotated out and he went home and went to sleep. The girls stayed with me all day. He was exhausted. Roads were closed for days and people had so much damage. We were very blessed. We missed church that Sunday morning because we were so exhausted and didn't get in bed. 

Today I had Easter with the girls because they will be doing some other things over the weekend and I didn't want to miss my opportunity.  As soon as they got here I let them have their baskets. 

I let them play with their things for a while and then we ate lunch and watched Peter Cottontail. 
Then we had an Easter egg hunt. Note to self, don't eat candy while filling 100 eggs.  You will get a belly ache and gain about 5lbs. 😜

Uncle Dallas was a great help. 

 Then it was naptime. I read them the Easter story from the Bible. 

After nap we had snacks and I had my second cup of coffee ☕.  
You know we can never have a holiday without making some kind of treats. 😁

We made some Easter Rice Krispie  treats. 
It was sunny 🌞 outside so I got them outside to play and blow bubbles. 

I would say we had a very awesome and fun day. 

Let's not forget what this weekend is all about.  We have a man who came to earth to love among us and was tempted just as we are today but overcame and even showed us the way. He was bruised for our transgressions and made a way for us to receive forgiveness and a home in glory with him to have everlasting life. It did not end with the cross.  He arose the Victor. 

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